So we have been having a hard week and I know this happens to a lot of couples but we are 10 mos out and sometimes the stress is hard and I don't handle it well. As I stated on my Bio, FH is law enforcement and sometimes I get overwhelmed by the thought that something can happen to him and I get cold feet. Do any of you have these feelings of cold feet? I know we can handle the DW and its what we both dream and share about but I actually have nightmares that he is gone before it all happens and I am devastated? Last week I woke up twice in the middle of the night practically crawling over him to make sure he was still with me. I told him maybe counseling would help but he thinks he can help it pass. I'm at a loss and my family is soooooo excited and happy that I have finally found the "one" that I can't share it with them.