I just went to a wedding this past weekend, and FI and I were seated with two couples (one married recently and the other just dating for a year and a half) who are also coming to our wedding. These two couples started discussing possible ideas for wedding games, decoration, food trucks, etc. All seemed creative but being the seasoned bride (been engaged for close to two years so I've seen a bunch of wedding trends come and go), I knew they've all been done before. As they're cooing over the one dude's wedding ideas (which were borrowed from all previous weddings he attended), I found myself feeling strangely defensive. When it was suggested that we maybe jot down these great ideas, I was pleasantly surprised to hear my FI say, "Maybe you should just wait and see what we have planned for our wedding first."
That being said, I was just wondering if this is just the attitue of a proud competition-driven freak (me) or if any other brides feel the need to top all other weddings that have come before in the history of time...?

I know I'm not the only one because last year, I had two back-to-back weddings for college friends and at the second wedding, the bride asked us, "Was ours better than theirs?"