So, yesterday I was going through the boards and I found an interesting thread about what essentials helped us get through college. So now, I've been thinking- what have been your wedding planning essentials?
Here are some of mine:
1. My iphone- I swear I don't work for apple, but seriously- I couldn't have gotten as far as I have without it! I use it for numbers, quick reviews of things, reading and writing emails to vendors, texting my bms, tracking my runs for my pre-wedding weightloss, my to-dos, my vendor numbers, calling my vendors. I swear- this has been my biggest resource.
2.The Knot Destination Wedding Book- It's helped guide me on what questions to ask the vendors, and what things to consider before contracting.
3. The Knot Forum- You girls have been the most helpful- when I'm on the internet I'm usually on the Knot! I look forward to reading reviews and hearing about all of your experiences!!
I'm only in the beginning stages with my coordinator and my photographer booked so far, so I still have a ways to go. Considering that I may still need more essentials along the way.
Would you recommend anymore to help me along? Do you guys use planners or other things I haven't considered? Maybe certain magazines or books?