
Browning Amphitheater Brides!!

A few quick questions:

1. Is anyone using the Union as their back up rain/weather plan? If so, did you like the room they offer? I am scheduled to go look at it on Wednesday and just wondering what you guys thought.

2. Parking. Where are you telling people to park? If you're using the parking garage, was there anyone you needed to contact to arrange for parking for that day? 

3. Microphones. Are you having one? If so, who are you going through to have them set up? 

Would love to talk more about our ceremony site for ideas etc.!

Kelly :)

Re: Browning Amphitheater Brides!!

  • edited December 2011
    1. I am using the Union as a back up. I'm using the West Ballroom, which is where our reception is, then flipping it if need be. We considered some of the other rooms, but I didn't want to pay extra for it. The Round room is really neat, and different. We also liked the Multi-Cultural Prayer Room I think. I LOOOOOOVED the Barbie Tottle (sp?) but it was too small, so I'm using it as my getting ready room instead :-)

    2. We are having people park at the Union Garage. We are getting married in the summer, so there is no problems with parking. However, from what I've been told from our coordinator, you can buy parking passes (I think it's $5 per pass). But, I think in the summer parking is only $3 all day (at least it was last year), so it's not worth it for us.

    3. I'm not sure about the microphones. However, there are electrical outlets on the amphitheater. I believe towards the back. But, it's an ampphitheater, so sound tends to travel, and our officiant has a loud voice, so it should carry well.
  • KellyRVTKellyRVT member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Who did you contact about parking? Are you paying for your guests ahead of time? 

    We are expecting 100+ for the ceremony so I can't decide if they are going to be able to hear us or not. 

    How are you doing the processional and how are you keeping out of view of guests? I was thinking about setting up a small tent behind it. 
  • edited December 2011
    I haven't contacted parking at all....we've been using our coordinator for the Union. You could ask the person you were in contact with for Browning (or whomever you speak to about the Union).  We are going to want more information before we decide to pay for the guests parking. I know etiquette says we should, but, the way they do it at the Union may not be best for us.

    From what I understand about the Union garage:
    I think it is an hourly rate, but maybe weekends and summers are different. Last summer it was $3 for the entire day (we're getting married in the summer, so that's all I really know about). You can get validation passes, which makes parking free to whomever you give them to. The validation passes are $5 each. You can buy X amount, and if there are some leftover, the garage will buy them back. This is good, because you never know who may carpool or cab it, so you are not going to be stuck with a bunch of validation passes that aren't going to be used.

    Our guest list is over 150 right now (ahhhhh....not where I wanted it!) But, you could always go to the amphitheater, have one of you where you think you are going to stand, and another person trying out various spots for sound. You don't want to scream, but maybe speak a little louder than usual just to test it. Then determine if you need a microphone.

    As for setting up. I'm still debating whether I want to use the amphitheater seats for the guests, or, rent chairs, have the chairs on the amphitheater and us at the back of the stage. If we do the latter, I will likely be out of view, and I'll have an "aisle" to walk down. If I do the former, then I'll just start pretending my processional begins at the Union. I'm not too concerned, at this point. Though, I may just come from a back way instead. We haven't really figured out the logistics. So, I guess, another thing we'll be trying out soon is when people can see me and trying different angles and entrances.
  • KellyRVTKellyRVT member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Well if you'd like to get together and go over there, when the weather is nicer of course, I am game to go with you. We could bring a couple of our wedding party and all brain storm. I was thinking about chairs too for the stage. We're also having a string trio so I need to figure out where to put them, I was thinking at the top of the stage in the back where that little grassy area is. 

     It would be nice to have a few extra bodies and another bride who is looking at it the same way I am to help plan this. If you're interested my personal email is Kallay7@aol.com if you would like to email me. Or, you're welcome to add me on FB using the same email address :)
  • ecomaramecomaram member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Hi ladies -

    Have any of you thought about how you are going to decorate the ampitheater?  My fiancee & I got over this weekend in between the rain, and the stage area is looking so ... empty. 
    I'd love some help on this one - feeling a little overwhelmed just now!
  • edited December 2011
    EcoMaram - Right now the trees aren't as full as they usually are. I am pretty sure the trees look fuller during the summer. To be honest, I don't currently plan on adding anything. If I do, it will likely two columns with a simple, pretty floral arrangement on it. But, I'm not sure. I wanted to arch thing, but the one my florist has needs to be staked into the ground....so it can't happen at Browning. I've debated renting one, not sure yet.

    Also, are you planning on being at the very front of the stage and your guests on the stone seats or at the very back with your guests sitting in chairs on the stage?  If you are doing the latter, you'll be closer to the trees, and decorations (to me) seem more unnecessary. 

    We are hoping for a short, sweet ceremony, I am having difficulty thinking about spending a lot of money on it. I think keeping it natural will be beautiful. Also, once you have you, your groom, your officiant, and your bridal party, I think it will look great.
  • ecomaramecomaram member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thanks, Nnoble4!  I'm also planning on a short & sweet ceremony, and don't want to spend much on these decorations.  I'm still unsure about the actual set-up & whether or not I want to deal with renting chairs.  I haven't even looked at rental places to see about cost.  Do you think that 150 chairs will fit up on the stage?

    Someday soon I'll have more answers than questions ...  : )
  • Can any of you ladies tell me how you worked this out? 
    Wedding is next summer and im a bit nervous on ... entrances for wedding party. 
    which "isle" i should come down ... 
    Decorations i wasn't planning on adding any either

    PARKING. ohhh gosh Parking , ive got great grandparents and they cannot walk to far.. 
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