
Hair dresser recs pls

Can anyone recommend a good hair dresser who specializes in color and foil high lites? I prefer some one with alot of experience and price doesn't matter.

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Re: Hair dresser recs pls

  • wicked_faerywicked_faery member
    edited December 2011
    CHristine Pierson at the Dover JCPenney is really good with all kinds of stuff.
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  • edited December 2011
    My stylist is Jeremy at Trilogy Salon & Day Spa in Newark. He's fabulous! I have long hair and don't trust it to anyone but him. He's been doing my color and/or highlights for about 5 years now. (He also does amazing updos!). I higlhy recommend, my mom now goes to him as do several of my friends. Depending on your hair length his color/highlight prices start at $70, I never pay less than $100 though. Make sure to tell the scheduling person that you want him to do the color/highlights or else his assistant may end up doing it. (She's ok, but I prefer Jeremy himself.)
    ~Jenn Buying A Home Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    TOTALLY ditto Jeremy at Trilogy!  He came as a rec from a friend at college (he did her entire college house), and now he does not only me but my entire family.  He's absolutely wonderful, and what I was looking for in a hair dresser; talks to you, engages you, all while working magic.  He is doing my wedding hair, and I cannot wait.
  • edited December 2011
    Hi! I use Leslie Chambers. She recently moved from JChristian studios in Hockessin to Colour Roxx salon in Newark (which is great because the prices are  much better!) Leslie has been doing my hair for 9 years and I always get compliments on my hair. She is really in tune with all of the modern highlighting/foil styles and procedures. She is also doing my hair for the wedding, I would def check her out!
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  • edited December 2011
    Michelle or Kelly at Sherif Zaki.  Really, anyone there is good :)
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  • Mattsbride10Mattsbride10 member
    edited December 2011
    Thank you ladies for all the great recommendations. I just wish I knew who to choose now! lol
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  • jacqcfjacqcf member
    edited December 2011
    I would recommend Kevin at SHerif Zaki and Castaldi at Castaldi's in PA right over the line. I have had both foils and full colors from both and loved it.
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