After a year long engagement, we've finally started planning, sort of. I will soon be starting my last year of nursing school and would like to get to two big things out of the way; the ceremony and reception facilities. We're looking into next May (2011). We're lucky enough to have a connection with the Creighton Ballroom, so that is where the reception will be.
Now the big problem, we're not doing a church wedding, and it is really difficult to find a facility to host only our ceremony. I've emailed many places but the majority want to charge us for whole day's use, or force us to get married at an earlier time. It's frustrating and would take any suggestions on how to arrange this.
I have plenty of other issues; like two sisters. Everyone tells me to choose someone outside the family to be my MOH and I like that idea but I know one of my sisters will FREAK.
Any suggestions for planning would be greatly appreciated! Also vendor suggestions; and we're slightly on a budget. Which brings up another issue..I'm not sure if my dad is pitching in! And that's an issue I haven't been able to confront yet.
Any help would be great! Thanks!