
Anyone else getting married at A View in Fontenelle Hills????

Hello fellow knotties,

This is WAY long-part vent, part looking for advice.  If you make it through all of it, I'm sorry.  :-S

I am getting married at A View in FH in just over 3 months.  I am having one heck of a time with this wedding coordinator, Jen!  Before I begin my vent, let me say that I am an email person.  I work full time during the day, have school at nights, and fit time w/ my fiance and son in where I can so email is just more conveniant for me.

So back to Jen...I'd only met her once, and she'd seemed nice enough (not very personable though).  I had emailed her when I had questions, and she'd always answer within a couple days.  Okay, great.

My fiance is moving to the West Coast for a job on Friday.  He is a very hands-on guy and has been very involved with everything during wedding planning (sometimes that's good and sometimes it's been a pain in the rear!  lol)  Jen and I had made arrangements via email  to meet to go over decor.  We get there and the place is locked up, lights are off, no cars anywhere.  We wait a few minutes and then I call.  First, it's we didn't have a meeting today-I'm at another meeting off site.  I didn't have our meeting in my blackberry, etc.  I'm getting frustrated b/c I know we had this meeting scheduled.  Then she's getting attitude with me!  What???  I still had the email in my inbox so I told her I would send her the email where we had agreed.  So just as I send her an email, I get an email from her offering me some free decor items, saying she was sorry and it just hadn't made it to her blackberry scheduler.  To say my fiance was mad is an understatement.  He was impressed by her quick email and attempt to right a wrong.  Okay so we make it past that.

Then last Friday I emailed her with 9 questions.  I said these were the main questions I had in our missed meeting, if you could answer these that'd be great and then we can just meet in late April or early May to finalize what decor items I want.  She emails me back on Sunday and says she's out of town w/ limited internet access but will look into my questions and will email me back.  Okay.  Monday I email her b/c one of my questions was if it'd be okay to bring my dad/step-mom out Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning b/c they've never seen the inside.  She emails me back right away and says the facility is closed. 

That's cool....but what about the rest of my questions.  If she was out of town with limited internet, that's fine.  I'm from a small town w/ touchy reception, I get it.  However, none of my questions were rocket science or anything-just need to know how many tables will be set up for this many people, how will this work, how will that work, etc.  I'm just trying to buy stuff for centerpieces and everything sporatically so I don't have one heck of a large bill.

My fiance and I both feel like she's dismissing us; like our wedding isn't as important as everyone else's.  We obviously know we are not their only wedding between now and then, but we are approaching the final stretch here and need to get this planned and taken care of.  We want to feel like she cares about our wedding....not just that she cares on the day of when she may or may not get a tip.

Any advice is definately wanted and appreicated.  Again, if you read all of this I'm sorry but thank you.

Re: Anyone else getting married at A View in Fontenelle Hills????

  • edited December 2011
    If you really feel like she's slighting you on service, make your feelings known. I'm not sure what your contract said and what exactly she's outlined that she'd do, but if she isn't doing them, write her a calm, professional email telling her your concerns. If they aren't addressed then you'll be looking for someone else. Something along the lines of "My FI and I feel like we aren't receiving answers to our questions as quickly as we expected. I understand if your out of town but I'd like to make an appointment to meet with you to finalize things when you return." If she doesn't show or isn't cooperative, I'd just find someone else.
    August 6, 2011 Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • HuskerfanzHuskerfanz member
    edited December 2011
    I know where you are coming from.  I'm a big email person as well and I like answers.  I'm not a very patient person but I'm really working on become more respectuful of others and patient so I try and give people at least week to answer unless it's urgent. 

    I would give her more time.  If she is out of town on vacation then that was nice of her to respond with what she did.  If she is out of town for work, then wait until she has better internet.  She might have thought you didn't want all the answers until your meeting in late April/early May.

    That is too bad she missed that meeting and that had to be frustrating.  At least she apologized and offered to make it up a little bit with the free decor.  If it happens again you could bring up how it bothers you but it sounds like an honest mistake on her part.

    I know June seems really close but you have time still.  People have planned the whole wedding in 4 months before. 

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    BabyFruit Ticker
    TTC #1 since 08/11 IUI#2 = BFP!
  • edited December 2011

    That kinda bites...Jen I dont know her personally but have met her and she seemed nice. Anyhow I would agree with the cant be quiet about are the customer, the bride and its your special day and I think what you were asking and wanting to know isn't alot..voice your feelings and let her know it kind of hurt you you felt like you werent really a priority when thats what it sounds like you felt like.  Maybe she didnt know she made you felt that way...sometimes people dont know unless you point it out and perhaps then she will fix the problem and be more in tune with your bridal needs. Most coordinators I think make you their priority and I think one downfall to having one at a place that supplies one is they are not unbiased. So for things like this makes the situation kinda sticky.

    Have you tried calling to see if you can get ahold of someone else...theres an older lady that works there that owns the place..maybe get ahold her of her while Jen is out of town?

  • edited December 2011
    I appreciate both of pieces of advice.  I was thinking that I should give her more time w/ the email, but I'm antsy to see if she's going to blow me off again or if she's really out of town / busy with other things.

    Id consider looking for someone else and/or consider not using her, however she comes w/ the venue so it's kind of a must.  (Kind of like the guests you don't really know and/or like but your parents say you have to invite them.)
  • edited December 2011
    Thank you - thats good to know.  What do you think of her?  Maybe the bad vibe I'm getting is just carrying over from the missed meeting.
  • klkoesterklkoester member
    edited December 2011
    I am having my wedding at A View in August, i am very much an email person but haven't worked with Jen. I was working with Shari but she no longer works there.  I dont like the recent changes with A View(having to use there dj and such) so i am glad that i got in before the changes. The decor is crazy pricey though(i am sure you already know that). I rented all my plates, and decor from AAA Cause it was cheaper. but i have to set it all up. I hope i dont run into the same problems as you. Hope everything works out for you.
  • edited December 2011
    I was also lucky enough to sign my contract before they started requiring to use their dj and whatever else. I also was working with Shari and really liked her. I don't want to scare anyone, the few times I've spoke w/ Jen she's been mostly polite-but she is not the most personable person I've ever met. Their decor is pricey, but we are leaving on our honeymoon the morning after the wedding so we just decided to go with it. I think they figure some people would rather pay more than deal with the hassle of setting it up and taking it down themselves.
  • edited December 2011
    Yeah the whole you get what you pay for kind of a thing...if you want to save money you can but you end up doing more is it worth it..for me yes it I am DIY everything..yeah just give her time..I know when I am on vacation its hard to work over the phone and easier to do everything in person..its a hrd business to be in when on vacation and even harder finding times to vacation when you do what she does.
  • katelassokatelasso member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    So I'm reading up on all the message boards about fontenelle hills and found this one. I am NOT booking with them because of the type of people they are. You guys should read the posting "Problems with A View In Fontenelle Hills". They have some major staffing issues over there and keeping people working there. I'll repeat a little of what I posted there, but basically I know someone who was just diagnosed with cancer and they still wouldn't refund her money since she can't have the wedding anymore. She could prove it with the doctor's paperwork and everything and they said she could either have the wedding, which was supposed to be this August, or she lost all of her $1000 deposit. She did say that Jen was nice and was trying to get her money back for her but it was the owner's decision. I guess Jen quit recently and there are bad reviews about this new girl now. It doesn't really sound like they know what they're doing besides scam people for as much money as they can!  Brides Beware!!
  • edited December 2011
    We just booked with the View yesterday. So far Jill has been very helpful, but we are early in the process. We like the venue, location, and services offered. We hope the staff follows through to make this a great experience. To be continued....
  • Amy52011Amy52011 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I am getting married there in the Spring  of 2011. Anytime I used to call with a question, Jen seemed rarelly available. I met Jill right after she left and I am very happy with the change! Jill seems far more personable and hasnt missed any of my phone calls/emails yet :) You need to give her a chance Knotties- not all changes are bad.
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