

Hey Ladies,

Just wondering from those who had their ceremony or called to check on a ceremony at Magnolia what the cost is.  I am considering it, and want to make sure it's in my budget before I call and check to see if my date is available.  

Thanks Ladies!!

The New Mrs. Johnson

Re: Cost

  • StephB22StephB22 member
    edited December 2011

    I want to say the minimum was like 10k for the food and beveredge (I THINK) I literally just deleted my email from her about a week ago with the list of foods, etc. I cant really remember what the rental was I want to say 1k but I MIGHT be way off. Sorry Im not more help, I think thats roughly what it is--- I checked into it almost 2 months ago though. It wasnt large enough for the amount of guests we wanted, but beautiful venue. Good Luck, hopefully someone else might be more help! It was different for Friday nights too, not sure what you are doing. This was for a Saturday.

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  • cmickelcmickel member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thanks Steph for the input!!

    That is about what I was thinking.  I am on a budget, and it probably won't work for me.  There are plenty of beautiful venues in this city. :)

    Thanks again!!
  • HuskerfanzHuskerfanz member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:79Discussion:b077a708-a5b1-473e-8bc8-a58e937a12e6Post:b44dabb2-1d35-4b83-854b-aeccf67cc1e6">Re: Cost</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks Steph for the input!! That is about what I was thinking.  I am on a budget, and it probably won't work for me.  There are plenty of beautiful venues in this city. :) Thanks again!!
    Posted by cmickel[/QUOTE]

    Bandstand Music has a great website if you are looking for other options.

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