January 2013 Weddings

Today is the day!

I am sitting quietly in my bridal suite. In just a few minutes my parents will arrive with coffee and donuts (and orange juice for me, as I am having the strongest craving for it!). Then my girls will arrive, and hair and makeup will start. It's going to be a whirlwind day, one that I have planned down to the last detail.... and I am so calm and happy for it to begin! I cannot believe I am not nervous or stressed (knock on wood!). I am just so happy to be here, and to be getting married today!!!! 
White Knot
Wedding Countdown Ticker
157 invitedimage
118 accept with pleasureimage
35 decline with regretsimage
4 are driving me crazyimage
RSVP Date: December 15th

Re: Today is the day!

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