Minnesota-Minneapolis and St. Paul

Invite wording - Need Help PIP!

Hey Ladies-
I am determined to start my invites - Some may remember my Mock- But I found a cheap template on Vistaprint I like better for the main invite. AND Paper Depot always you to return unused paper so I will prob. return most of what I was going to us.... ANYWAYS.. LoL to the point
Here is my 1st Attempt.

 If you can't read it
Ms. Brenda (Last Name) -- My Mom
Mr. David and Mrs. Judima (FI Last Name)
request the honour of your presence
at the Marriage Celebration of their Children
Shannan (My Middle Name) 
David James, Second Middle Name Initial Last Name II  
blah blah day, year, place etc.

1. I have gotten invites with just Bride and Grooms First and Middle Names but have also gotten them with just Brides Frist and Middle and Grooms Full Name. Problem with this option is my FI would take up half the page- He has 2 middle names the second is double and he is the II. FI likes the idea of both our full names - I think-  but , to me its too long ......... Not to mention this is our vow Renewnal and I will have already taken his last name --- long story LoL

2. Both his parents want their 1st name to be mention. Do I keep this format or not?

Re: Invite wording - Need Help PIP!

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    edited December 2011
    Is your wedding formal? If so, definitely keep teh full names. 

    Ours is pretty casual, but we still went with first middle last (and we have looong names).  I don't get to use my full name very often, so why not? :)

    Otherwise, yup. I think it looks good!
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    edited December 2011
    Nah- Semi-Formal.
    But Both Parents are Hosting -- 55/45 (My Mom and Dad divorced when I was 7 - Dad remarried but passed away in Jan) So we are mentioned him and his wife in the program.
    Just in case that comes up why he is missing.
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    wittyschaffywittyschaffy member
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    OK, this is a strange grammar lesson but here goes: 

    I beleive if you're going to be "technically" correct and list both your IL's first names, it has to be (Mr. Dad's first) and  (Ms. Mom's First) ( Last Name)

    All of us are technically not Mrs. ( Your First name ) (Your new Last name) after we're married.   You're Ms.  still.  You get referred to as Mrs. in conjuction with your husband.  Its archaic and totally male-centric but it is what it is!  So if you were being referred to as Mrs. (Husband's first name ) (Husband's Last name) it would be correct.  Does that make sense?  Not sure if I'm explaining it well. 

    Anyways - if that doesn't matter to you, then I think the way you have it should be fine. 
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    edited December 2011
    Witty - surprisely I did get that. haha
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