Minnesota-Minneapolis and St. Paul

STDs! Input por favor!

Hiya gals!
 So my awesome brother and his girlfriend agreed to help me out with our STD design, since they are both into that stuff. Anyways, here are the final 2 between which FI and I are deciding:

As of right now, I am sorta partial to the first one, but I'm right smack dab in the middle of finals and don't really have the time to look at them closely for changes and such. Any extra eye and input would be very much appreciated!

Re: STDs! Input por favor!

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    edited December 2011
    I like the layout of the first one because I'm not a huge fan of super symmetric layouts, but I really like the 2nd one too. I think the second one seems to have more of the damask showing, which I like. The first one seems to have it cut off a bit along the edge. I think if you moved that over, I'd vote for the first one hands down. Also, IMO it would be slightly more visually interesting if you had different sizes or types of fonts, so have your names bigger or "formal invite to follow" a bit smaller. I think there is some distinction in size, but I can't really tell. 

    In summary: they are both super cute.
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    edited December 2011

    I like them both!  I agree with PP that on #1 the right hand side is sorta cut off and that it'd look good too if you changed up some of the font like put your names in a different font possibly more scripty.

    You might also want to include the location on your STD and your wedding website if you have one.

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    edited December 2011

    I love the first one!  The second one is nice as well, but I agree with EF7310 with it being very symmetrical.

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    edited December 2011
    Agree w/ pps on not cutting off the damask on the first one & to try some other font options - maybe "Save teh Date" and your names in a script, but rest of info in a sans-serif?  Should wording include "are getting married" or some wedding reference? I know its obvious to all of us, but maybe necessary?

    Also, on #1 what if you try to right justify that copy, rather than centered?

    Look cute though!

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    edited December 2011
    I love the first one, too :)  What I'd recommend for the damask is eliminating it on either side of the picture and placing it on the top and bottom of the words instead.  Super cute!
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    edited December 2011
    I like the first one best but I agree that you should try to see if you can move it more in so it doesn't look cut off.
    Trying to Conceive Ticker "All that I'm after is a life full of laughter, As long as I'm laughing with you" Planning Bio image
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    edited December 2011

    I like them both!  The second one is a bit more unique IMO.  I like that you don't see that design everyday.  I feel that the first one has been done a million times.  None of your guest should notice or care though, I've just been on TK too long!

    However, I do think you should make some reference to this being a STD for a wedding.

    Something like "Save the Date for the wedding of Vilmarie and Christopher".  People shouldn't get confused but still...

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    edited December 2011

    My strongest reaction was to the shadow effect on #1.  Looks like a cheesy PowerPoint effect.  Someone else mentioned that the text is sort of in between centered and right justified as well.

    Also, I'm curious why you photoshopped the yellow background into the photos vs. just whatever was already in the background of the original photos.  It's a...uh...unique choice.

    Given the two "as is" I would say #2 is much better.

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    Bimbi284Bimbi284 member
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    edited December 2011
    Thanks for the input folks!!

    I agree that the font is an issue! And yeah, it should maybe say "wedding" on there somewhere, lol.

    I'll be passing along the suggestions to my brother :-).

    Groom'sView, I have NO idea why he did that to the background either...so definitely another change for him to make, lol. Also, I didn't even really notice the shading at all on #1, so thanks for pointing that out!
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    edited December 2011
    My eye is really drawn to the photos, and I think it would be more balanced to have the pic of you looking over your fiance's shoulder in the middle instead of at the end... I also wondered about the yellow background in the images - it seems like the yellow takes the focus away from your faces and smiles.

    I'm of no real help when it comes to fonts and justification, etc, etc.
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