
Apartments in the Lewis Center area??

Help ladies!!
I just got a job offer near Polaris. I live near Polaris now, but I was going to be moving to Hilliard in October when my lease is up here. My FI lives in Hilliard so I figured that way we could be closer. Anyways, now that I found a job right off of Polaris Parkway, I don't want to move away from here. I contacted my current leasing office and they already leased out my apartment to someone else :( They have no more openings either. UGH!! I don't want to venture too far from the 270 area because my FI will still be visiting me and I don't want him to drive all over the place. So I have kinda pigeon-holed myself. Do any of you  that might live around here have any suggestions?? Thanks! :)
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Re: Apartments in the Lewis Center area??

  • aem2006aem2006 member
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Look in Dublin! It's half way between both locations and it's still off of 270. I live currently in Hilliard and commute to 23 N. Let me know if you need anymore info!
  • edited December 2011
    I lived in Polaris Crossing a few years back and loved it. It's on the corner of Sancus and Lazelle, which is very close to the mall and right off Polaris Parkway. The location was great and the apartment was really nice, but I will say that we got a lot of charges when we left for things we didn't feel were right. Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    My parents live in Lewis Center. There are definitely a ton in the area. You might even look off of Sancus/Lazelle and Park Roads areas. I know there are Oak Creek apartments which are at the corner of Old Powell Road and Powell Road/Polaris Parkway.

    Also, picking up a copy of Apartment Gudie might help you a bit. I know there are some online sites as well such as apartmentfinder.com that might give you some names of places to call and/or visit.
  • edited December 2011
    Going apartment searching today... it's so overwhelming!! 
    From making phone calls I have found this:

    Alexander Square: Brand new. Beautiful. 700ish square feet apartment for $802.00 per month. BUT, if I sign a lease within 24 hours of visiting, they give you an $800 visa gift card. Wireless internet is $20/month so that would save me $10 a month not having my own internet through Time Warner. It is a 12 month lease. Downside: washer/dryer is not included and I don't have my own. I could take my stuff to FI's place on the weekend, though. Therefore, I could use the W/D room for storage. Water is a $28 flat fee. The rest will just be electric. 

    Cedar Trace: Older. Smaller. Right on a busy road that is hard to get in and out of. But, it's $629 a month, 8 month lease, free W/D in the apartment. I love the cheap-ness of it, but it also worries me that there will be a high noise level because the apartments are so old. Where I live now is AWESOME and it's so quiet and I have never had a problem. Read some bad reviews as well about Cedar Trace.

    Prescott Place: Brand new again. $730-$760 a month (depending on location of apartment). I honestly can't remember what else they told me on the phone LOL I will visit there today and find out more. The only thing that worries me is that it is tucked back off the main road, so would that be safer or not as safe?

    Ok, those are my options right now! Wish me luck! :)
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