Minnesota-Minneapolis and St. Paul

NWR: Meet Kaylee's Kittens!

I posted a couple of weeks ago about the little stray kitty we took in turned out to be pregnant.  Well, yesterday around 4pm, Kaylee started having her kittens!  We have four in all, and all are doing well, meowing, nursing, and moving around.  Three are for sure gray and white, like mamma kitty, and one is more solid gray, but it might still have some white on it.  It's hard to tell this early.  Mamma kitty is doing well and is happy to show off her family.  She even posed for a few pictures.
So....anyone interested in adopting a new kitty in about six weeks?

Re: NWR: Meet Kaylee's Kittens!

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    hkieslinghkiesling member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Sorry for the double post.  Not sure what happened there.
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    Enchanted616Enchanted616 member
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    edited December 2011
    Oh sooo cute!

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    edited December 2011
    O M G so so so so so so cute :) I <3 kitties SO much.  Unfortunately, I am living at my dad's house until the wedding (and he said no more pet's since our family cat died last year) otherwise I'd totally be interested!! Maybe I can work on him, though :)
    June 18, 2011 Anniversary LilySlim Weight loss tickers
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    Cascasbaby53Cascasbaby53 member
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    edited December 2011
    Adorable! I wish I could take one. FMIL is very very VERY allergic to the point where she can't be in houses that have cats or her throat closes up! Boo. I guess I'll never have a cat now.
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    edited December 2011
    So cute!!
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    Bimbi284Bimbi284 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    OMG!!!! I want I want I want!! I seriously want a kitty SO badly. However, DH's mom, who is a nurse, scared the crap outta DH by telling him about the risk of toxoplasmosis. Now, mind you, we don't plan on having babies for another few years while I'm in school. That, and I am happy to let DH clean the litter :-). I'm working on him though. I even showed him some info from the CDC about it. He's still not convinced that its okay, and that we can prevent it. Boo!
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    hkieslinghkiesling member
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    edited December 2011

    Thanks ladies!  I feel a little like a proud mamma myself, showing the little ones off to anyone who will look at a pictures.

    Bimbi: my mom works at a hospital and to this day she won't touch animals.  Weird considering she grew up on a farm.  My life is too short to not have kitties though.  I'd be happy to send you updated pictures of how cute these kittens are as they grow if it will provide fuel to your cause.  :)  About week four they're going to be irresistable!  <evil laugh Mumra style /> <mwuhahahahaha> 

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    maybe984maybe984 member
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_minnesota-minneapolis-st-paul_nwr-meet-kaylees-kittens-1?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:81Discussion:4b826102-beb2-4104-ab01-8c269ce97a5cPost:5dfd9b56-3a22-4e17-ac28-1b532b1d6969">Re: NWR: Meet Kaylee's Kittens!</a>:
    [QUOTE]OMG!!!! I want I want I want!! I seriously want a kitty SO badly. However, DH's mom, who is a nurse, scared the crap outta DH by telling him about the risk of toxoplasmosis. Now, mind you, we don't plan on having babies for another few years while I'm in school. That, and I am happy to let DH clean the litter :-). I'm working on him though. I even showed him some info from the CDC about it. He's still not convinced that its okay, and that we can prevent it. Boo!
    Posted by Bimbi284[/QUOTE]

    Unless you let your cat outside or feed it raw meat, there's very little chance of them catching toxo and transmitting it to you while pregnant. I'm pretty sure studies have shown that your chances of catching toxo while gardening or preparing raw meat are actually HIGHER than catching it from your feline friend. Plus, when in doubt, just make your hubby scoop the poop!

    My mom raised the toxo argument when my FI got his cat... so I clearly spent some time preparing my rebuttal ;-)

    Heather-- I would toooootally adopt one of those kitties, but the fact that I already have one troublemaking cat and a neurotic mess of a dog makes me think that adding another furry creature to the family might be too much!
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    graysquirrelgraysquirrel member
    5 Love Its Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Kudos to you for taking in a pregnant stray! That's awesome!
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_minnesota-minneapolis-st-paul_nwr-meet-kaylees-kittens-1?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:81Discussion:4b826102-beb2-4104-ab01-8c269ce97a5cPost:264e532e-6917-4f3f-b23f-00ab3f8094b1">Re: NWR: Meet Kaylee's Kittens!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sorry for the double post.  Not sure what happened there.
    Posted by hkiesling[/QUOTE]

    <div>gone. Sorry I didn't catch it sooner.</div><div>
    </div><div>on a related note. kittens!  I'm glad she waited for you to come back from the vacation :)</div>
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    Bimbi284Bimbi284 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thanks HK...I'd love updated pics!!! And Maybe984, thanks for the support! I showed FI that same info, so hopefully I can keep drilling it into his brain!
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    hkieslinghkiesling member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies.  I kind of feel like a proud grandma.  I'm resisting going and taking Day 3 pictures.  I can be a little OCD sometimes.
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