Minnesota-Minneapolis and St. Paul

October weather advice

Planning on getting hitched October 5th 2013 in St Paul. We want the best of both worlds; Fall colors and to be warm. Any opinions??

Re: October weather advice

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    I'm not sure what you want us to say? I mean, October can be 45 and rainy (or even snowy sometimes) or could be 70-80 and sunny. Fall colors should be in full swing though.
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    Just looking for opinions... thanks
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    Opinions about what?  Getting married in October?  I've been to plenty of October weddings and they were lovely.  One was in the Embassy Suites another at Landmark Center.
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    We were married on the 29th of October and it was chilly, sunny, with fall colors still around... I knew that planning an October weddding was a true gamble because you have NO idea what weather is going to be like so my opinion is really, plan the wedding you WANT for the day you WANT don't hope and pray for certain weather because it is not predictable, let's be honest most people who got married in January wanted snow, and they got either a really warm day or rain... good luck
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    If it is anything like the last two years, it would be really hot out. I was married last year on the 8th, and it was in the 80s. The 8th in 2010 was also just as hot out. But then again, the year before THAT was snowing as PP said. The fall colors were about at their peak when we got married, so I would think you would be ok as far as that goes.

    But yeah, if you are planning on anything outdoors, just make sure you have a contigency :)
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    The weather in Minnesota any day of the year is a crapshoot.  I am getting married 8/10/12 and I'm sure there will be a tornado or something.

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    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_minnesota-minneapolis-st-paul_october-weather-advice?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:81Discussion:6dac0791-af8a-4592-9519-72439b76c31ePost:31dff031-4d3b-431c-80ce-d13a597a8fda">Re: October weather advice</a>:
    [QUOTE]We were married on the 29th of October and it was chilly, sunny, with fall colors still around... I knew that planning an October weddding was a true gamble because you have NO idea what weather is going to be like so my opinion is really, plan the wedding you WANT for the day you WANT don't hope and pray for certain weather because it is not predictable, <strong>let's be honest most people who got married in January wanted snow, and they got either a really warm day or rain... good luck</strong>
    Posted by aligross[/QUOTE]

    This is true! It was 45 degrees, barely any snow and sunny on my January wedding this year.
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    You know what though blom?  I'm sure it will be a beautiful day no matter what, even if it rains or snows, or is sunny and warm :-)

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    October weddings are beautiful - but unpredictable.  If you plan an indoor ceremony (or have a good backup), there is no reason to not plan one then.  I got married October 9th, 2009 and it snowed during our reception and kept going for a week.  We took pics outside earlier in the day and the colors were gorgeous - just had to keep blankets warm in the car for people. 
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    My view is that you're probably guaranteed to have fall colors, but whether the weather is warm, cold, sunny, rainy, or snowy is anybody's guess. And that is going to be the case no matter when you have your wedding. Everybody wants a day with perfect weather, but you just have to take what you get.

    Our wedding was on June 28, and I had hoped it would be sunny and not too hot, which is typical for that time of year. In reality, there were huge thunderstorms that came through the morning of the wedding, and it was about 70 degrees and mostly cloudy during the ceremony. There had been no rain in the forecast, not even the day before the wedding did they predict any. But you know what, in the end it didn't matter what the weather did and we had a fabulous day.

    Whatever you plan, just be ready for any kind of weather :-).
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