Minnesota-Minneapolis and St. Paul

Bride to Be Consignment in Burnsville

Today I brought all of my leftover wedding items to B2B Consignment. It was really fast and easy. They have so much stuff packed into that little store so I'm guessing the best way to find something you are looking for is by asking one of the nice girls working there. If you are just browsing remember to look up! I didn't notice half of the stuff in the store until I was about to leave.

Their prices seemed reasonable. They had several $1 vases. Maybe they have lowered them since last time someone posted about them on this forum?

Just a heads up. to keep the salt away from the dresses you have to take your shoes off at the door so wear shoes that are easy to slip on and off if you want. Or maybe bring slippers if you don't want to shop in your slippery socks.

PSA: they have this ad on craigslist if you bring it in you get an extra 30 days on consignment. I think you can get an extra 30 days from their facebook page too though.

Is there anyone here who sold items through this store? How did it go? Did most of your stuff sell and did you feel like you got a fair deal? Thanks.

Re: Bride to Be Consignment in Burnsville

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    I haven't sold anything there, but I have gone a couple times just to look at things. Their prices really are reasonable.
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    White Knot

    Planning Bio-Added FOR SALE page, will be adding more stuff to it soon! 
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    I was really worried since I couldn't find much online about them. I could only find one review on the whoel entire internet, I couldn't find them listed as vendors on any wedding website, and all I could find were people posting about how they were over priced.

    But they seemed busy when I went so I left my stuff there. I hope I made the best choice. Selling stuff online seems like such a pain. I did sell half of my stuff at my garage sale though.
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    They do have tons of stuff but I've found that you can buy stuff cheaper at Michaels, JoAnn's, etc. especially with coupons.  Get the iphone apps and you'll always have a coupon and they can be scanned multiple times :)

    I definitely think I'll be bringing my stuff to B2B to sell after my wedding though.  Then I won't have to deal with Craigslist and having to meet creepers
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    I have been there a few times. They had a lot of stuff and I always feel claustrophobic when I go in there.  When I priced out their stuff vs new, new always came up cheaper.

    I did take my stuff to a different bridal consignment store.  Since I am closer to Rochester, it was just easier for me to drop it off there.  Then when it didn't sell, my mom can pick it up.  She wasn't open when I was shopping around, but she priced my stuff at a reasonable price.  Since I live in CO, I couldn't take all my wedding stuff back with me. I was just so impressed with her genuine attitude and store. I really hope I get some stuff sold!

    Congrats on cleaning out your wedding stuff!
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