Minnesota-Minneapolis and St. Paul

Re: WTF Wednesday

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    edited December 2011
    WTF did I get myself into.. the next 48 hours are going to be pretty miserable! I have class until 10pm tonight, won't get home until probably 11pm... then I need to meet my co-worker a half hour from my house at 6am tomorrow morning to drive out to one of our plants... then I will be working at the plant all day! I am going to be dragging by the end of the day tomorrow. Guess I won't have to worry about not being able to get to sleep at the hotel tomorrow night.
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    edited December 2011
    Dear FI,

    It was important to you, not me,  to get married in a church. So when it ends up being more difficult to find somewhere to do so, please don't take it out on me. I would be totally fine getting married somewhere else. I haven't given you anything else significant that is wedding related to work on, so just deal with it!

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    edited December 2011
    Dear Flu Shot,
    WTF! That hurt.
    Dear parents,
    Yes, I really am getting married. Yes, I really have been planning this all for the last 10 months.  I know it's finally becoming 'real' to you, but please stop calling to ask me random questions every day.  I promise invitations were sent out, photographer booked, etc.  
    ~Bride-to-be who doesnt' need more stress
    P.S> Good thing we didn't plan on you guys helping at all with the planning huh? We would've been doing things seriously last minute. I still love you though; thanks for caring!
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    edited December 2011
    Dear photographer,

    If you have time to Tweet and update your status on Facebook, why don't you have time to respond to my email?

    Growing more frustrated by the hour,
    Over stressed bride to be
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_minnesota-minneapolis-st-paul_wtf-wednesday-11?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:81Discussion:78c3b29b-0a81-43c4-aeed-cf178d4156a3Post:901319b8-447e-4f2c-b145-5cfa97890ff2">Re: WTF Wednesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dear parents, Yes, I really am getting married. Yes, I really have been planning this all for the last 10 months.  I know it's finally becoming 'real' to you, but please stop calling to ask me random questions every day.  I promise invitations were sent out, photographer booked, etc.   ~Bride-to-be who doesnt' need more stress P.S /> Good thing we didn't plan on you guys helping at all with the planning huh? We would've been doing things seriously last minute. I still love you though; thanks for caring!
    Posted by Steph0871[/QUOTE]

    My parents are the same way.  Especially my mom doesn't understand why I need to do anything more than a couple months before the wedding, and is shocked when I'm 10 steps ahead of her.  Thank Maude I'm doing it on my own, otherwise nothing would be done.

    Dear friend's boyfriend.

    I really, really dislike you.  I know you've been with my friend for more than 4 years, but he can do sooooo much better than your gay Republican ass who hates everyone and everything.  He was with his last boyfriend for more than 5 years, though, so I still hold out hope you'll break up.  I hope you can't come to the wedding and that I never have to see you again.

    PS - you eat like a 6-year-old.  Seriously, if you know where we're going for lunch and aren't hungry and are going to complain about what they offer, then stay the hell home!
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