Minnesota-Minneapolis and St. Paul

Profile Event Center

Does anyone have photos from a ceremony at Profilr Event Center - Casablana hall? I booked my reception.. but I'm not sure about my ceremony! :) Thanks

I'm hoping I can find some since the new remodel! 

Re: Profile Event Center

  • Cackle6Cackle6 member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I'm in the Diamond Hall so I don't have any pictures of my own for you, but they have a ton on their website, and also on their Facebook page. I also think there is a video of a ceremony that took place in Casablanca Hall on the FB page as well.
  • I've looked at the Facebook/website and I think a lot of them are from before the remodel.. I did see the video on the page, I loved it! Before seeing that video I wasnt even considering a ceremony there! :)
  • I just took a look at both sites, and most of the pictures are actually from after the remodel - looks like they got rid of most of the ones from before the remodel, although the only "ceremony" one I saw was from before.

    Also, with the ceremony in the video, it looks like they had the ceremony in the Casablanaca Hall and the rest of the reception in the Diamond Hall, which probably isn't feesible budget wise for most people. The way they described how the ceremony works to me was that the room is set up as it would be for dinner and people sit in their seats for the ceremony. I wasn't a huge fan of that so I found a nearby site for our ceremony (Black Bear Crossings), but if you have a smaller guest list, they might be able to do a turn over or something. Hopefully one of the other brides has pictures of her ceremony in the Hall for you!
  • We had our ceremony and reception in the Casablanca room, but it was pre-remodel.  If you still want to look you can:

    We had about 40 chairs up front for family, and the rest of our guests sat at their dinner tables.  I was worried about it, to be honest, but no had any complaints or anything.  

    The transition from ceremony to reception went really well. We had a sweetheart table, so they brought that out to the dance floor (we didn't use the stage) along with 4 round tables (for the people who were sitting up front.)
  • Thanks for sharing!! :) You're pictures are so beautiful!! I was wondering how they transition the room so quickly.. I think it would work out nice to have some people at their tables! 
  • I am having my wedding (Ceremony and reception) in the Casablanca hall in August of 2012. I was afraid of the photography also with the odd lighting. I have talked to quite a few photographers now though that have had great luck with that hall even with the odd lighting!

    I was recommended to do the white lights during the ceremony however, which I think we will go with.

    Here is the name of a photographer that I chatted with last night that has done work there.I have not seen any of the pictures from it, but she seemed pretty confident about it.
    Callie V
    Website: http://www.calliev.com/

    I also met the photograher below at a wedding fair and she did a wedding there and she was able to send me the link to the pictures, you might want to touch base with her!


    Good Luck!
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