Minnesota-Minneapolis and St. Paul


Ok, so we had our e pics 2 weeks ago tomorrow. We have also paid a $1500 deposit and I am still waiting for a signed copy of the contract.  I have yet to see a sneak peek and have been blog stalking our photographer's website since our pics.  Last night he posted "a favorite from this weekend's session" - an engagement session from another couple!! Is it so much to ask for one flippin picture?  I mean they're digital, it can't be that hard to at least email me a pic.  I am really starting to question our decision on this photographer and it scares me, because we chose a pricey package.  He doesn't email me back promptly which bothers me too. I don't want to be a pain, but I also don't think this is right.  I also don't want to get nasty, but I am quickly getting pissed.  I sent him an email today asking for the contract, so I guess I just have to keep waiting,  Thanks for letting me vent.

Re: vent

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    lboerner88lboerner88 member
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    edited December 2011
    that's sort of strange...he must be really busy with editing or something. It is the busy time of year for them. Our photographer got our sneak peek up on the blog about 4 days after our session and the full post about 5 days after our session. But our session was done in April which is before the really busy wedding season. Hopefully everything turns out fine!
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    edited December 2011
    We did our e-pics in May, and didn't see them on the blog until about 3-4 weeks later.

    Did you specifically ask a time frame and/or was it in your contract?
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    edited December 2011
    Well the contract says 2-3 weeks for e pics, and I know he's busy, but it just bothers me that he posted a peek of another couple from this past weekend and we haven't seen anything.  Also, I think I'm just irritated that the signed contract hasnt been sent back to me, when the check has long been cashed.  I'm sure it's fine, I'm just impatient. ugh
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    Sara191431Sara191431 member
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    edited December 2011
    Yeah that seems a little ridiculous.  We just got our pics done Sat. and she put some up on Facebook that night!  She said she'll have our pics done in about 3 weeks and I think have some up on her actual blog in a week or so it sounds like, and she responds to me usually the day of or next day for sure.  Maybe your Photog is just that busy though...?  But yeah it seems a little weird he can't post a couple pics for you, or even email one directly or something.  Especially due to the other couple's. I'd be irked too and seems weird to me.  Well good luck and hope you get to see some soon!  Maybe ask him if he could just email you a pic or two, just a thought...
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    hkieslinghkiesling member
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    edited December 2011
    I actually don't think two weeks sounds is a long time at all.  October is one of the busiest months for weddings.  Maybe your photographer only got through editing the other couple's pictures and will be moving on to yours soon.  I would wait until the end of the third week (since his timeframe was 2-3 weeks) before getting too worried.  Just my two cents.
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    edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies.  Sometimes a girl just has to vent and hear what other people think about the situation :)  I'm a worrier, and if I'm not worried, I'm worried why! lol
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    Cascasbaby53Cascasbaby53 member
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    edited December 2011
    I don't think that 2 weeks is that long either, but it is absurd that he cashed your check before you have seen a picture or before he has sent you a copy.

    We had ours taken in July. My photographer had them on facebook the next day and the disc and contract sent to me in 2 days.
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    edited December 2011
    I dunno if what would be more iritating- cashing the check so soon or if after weeks they still haven't cashed it.... haha
    the later was my problem.
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