Missouri-Kansas City

Indoor photo backups?

Since my wedding is in October, we want to have backups for places to go indoors to take photos just in case the weather is not cooperating. We'll be getting married at Club 1000, so anywhere downtown, plaza, westport, P&L, that type of area is fine.

I'm aware that Union Station allows you to do them for a $75 fee. Anyone had experience with this? Is it worth it? Are there enough places to get great pics? Did you have any issues with crowds?

Chrissy & David -- 10/10/10

This is my "OMG-Don't-Drop-Me" face

Planning Bio

Re: Indoor photo backups?

  • edited December 2011
    I haven't had pictures done there, but last summer I nannied for a boy and we went to Union Station all the time.  There were often crowds, but people tended to steer clear of the photographer.  It looks like a really great place to have pictures done.
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