WR: Well, I ordered my veil yesterday. I went into this thinking I wouldn't get one and then figured, "what the hey, why not?" I think I'm going to swing by Micheal's and pick up some stuff to make a sign or two for the ceremony/reception. I will probably also try to get FI to sit down and look over the possible rental houses for the bridal party with me so we can go ahead and reserve a couple of them.
NWR: Jewelry party tonight with my girls' meetup group, pumpkin carving party with the same group tomorrow night and some general errand running all weekend :-)
Work has been super slow this week because our internet and network server crashed. Basically, no one can get to their data and then most of us can't even distract ourselves on line waiting for the data access to be restored. It's paved the way for unnecessary drama and extremely long lunch breaks all week. Booorrreddd!
Your turn!!!