April 2013 Weddings

Bachelorette Party.....?

This is my second (and final) marriage and so were doing things a little less traditional.  We don't have a bridal party at all, no maids / groomsmen etc.  I wanted my friends/sisters to come and celebrate and not have to go to the trouble of (again) purchasing dresses, jewelry, hair styling etc. 

But I had one of my friends ask me the other day if I was having a bachelorette party or shower.  I hadn't really considered it.  I definitely don't see having a shower however I wouldn't mind a bachelorette party - probably something pretty low key though.  Dinner, wine, mani pedis sounds heavenly about now. 

With no maid of honor, would it be out of line for me to ask my girl friends / sisters / moms to get together for an evening?  I don't want to look snooty for hosting my own party but really it would just be nice to spend some girl time.  My budget is pretty maxed out so not sure we could do much besides get together and hang out.  Would love to treat them to a spa day but that just can't happen.

Is this an etiquette no no or would a girls night/bachelorette party be okay for me to throw together?
February Siggy Challenge - Bridesmaid Dresses - April 2013 Board

No bridesmaids, just my flower girl


Re: Bachelorette Party.....?

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    I see zero wrong with asking close friends to have a ladies night out!

    We are doing a nice hotel, dinner at a great spot, good wine, pool time and spa services.  I sent the evite out because I had a lot of information on there.

    Do it and enjoy!!
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    I think what you're planning sounds fine, and fun! It sounds like more of a girl's night than an all-out bachelorette-- it's not like you're asking them to take you out on the town or to pay for a spa day.
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    If you call it a girl's night, then that is fine. Just don't call it a bach party.
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    GIRRRRLSSS NIIIIIGHTTT!!!  WOOP WOOP!!!  I totally wish I could do something like this instead of a traditional bach party.

    Can you look on groupon or living social and find a deal to treat them to a mani-pedi, dinner out, or drinks, etc??
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    I agree with PPs. If you call it a bach, it makes it seem like you're asking them to a party where they have to pay for you, which is sort of rude. If you just say you want to do a girls night, I think there's no issue whatsoever. I'm sure E would say to treat them (which would be really nice if you can, on one or two things), but my friends and I often do girls nights where we pay for ourselves, so I'd be fine with that sort of thing.
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    I think that is fine!!  I have no BM's and my MOH is my 14 year old sister, so a couple of friends and my brother's girlfriends and I are all going to go out for a bachelorette party!  The girls are throwing this for me, and that is what they are calling it.  Just let them know that you want to have a girls night with them!
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    110 Invited! image | 65 Have their dancing shoes ready! image | 35 Don't wanna dance. image | 10 Must still be looking for their dancing shoes! image
    RSVP Deadline: February 28th
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    I wouldn't ask anyone to host it or pay for it, unless they offered. If no one has- then host a girls night yourself to celebrate!
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