
Bridesmaids/Groomsman Gifts

We're having six girls and one guy... I was thinking of possibly giving the girls a product of their choice out of my Scentsy catalog (I sell the product - candlewarmers, wax bars, scents, etc)  Not quite sure what to get the guy.

Do you think it's tacky for me to give them product that I sell? ( I mean if they don't like i wouldn't dream of it)
-=Chesney=- Wedding Countdown Ticker

Re: Bridesmaids/Groomsman Gifts

  • We got these for our GM's

    I think it depends on your BM's in regards to the Scentsy products. Do they use the products? Ultimately, what is your goal for that? To make money, to have future sales, etc? I think if those are your reasons it may be tacky, but if they girls love the products and will use them, then why not?

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  • My overall goal for scentsy is to make money on the side.. but.. i wouldn't ask them to pay for it, i'd give it to them as a free gift. no strings attached..

    thank you
    -=Chesney=- Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I think it depends on your bridesmaids, I know that is something that some of my bridesmaids would like but then others would not! So I don't know. I think if you girls would like it then go for it. 

    Personally I am making mine a "spa basket" I got discounted bath and body works products, I am going to get slippers/slippers socks, bubble bath, a magazine?,  a bottle of wine, getting hand painted wine glasses, their jewelry for the wedding, maybe some candies or something like that! 

    I think whatever you want to do is ok.

    For the guys..... I am making my FI decide that because i have no idea! lol! 
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