April 2013 Weddings

First Fitting tonight!

I had ordered my bra and slip online. They came in today so I called to make an appt at Davids Bridal, she has an opening TONIGHT! EEEK I'm so nervous! What if the dress doesnt fit? I havent tried it on since I picked it up last April/May. And I'm going by myself since it's so last minute nobody could make it.
And no clue how much this will cost, hopefully not more than the dress lol

Re: First Fitting tonight!

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    Don't freak out and cause yourself more anxiety!!! Unles you have gained a ton of weight, I am sure everything will be fine!!! Enjoy the moment!!! You are gonna be wearing your dress in a few hours!!! Yay this is exciting!!!
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    It was exciting to have it on again! AND it fits perfect! No alterations needed really, she is going to hem the liner a little bit since it looked longer than the tulle on my dress. Ahh one thing marked off my list.
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    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_april-2013-weddings_first-fitting-tonight?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20Club%20BoardsForum:820178d7-4f43-4671-bcab-c5c2c01eef1eDiscussion:e2862042-a196-4ef7-8b59-f40edc7452a3Post:22b63911-d253-4afd-b4cd-c7dc54189007">Re: First Fitting tonight!</a>:
    [QUOTE]How'd it go??
    Posted by vonclancy[/QUOTE]

    It went great! The dress fit perfect :) Now I'm afraid to lose any weight lol
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    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_april-2013-weddings_first-fitting-tonight?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20Club%20BoardsForum:820178d7-4f43-4671-bcab-c5c2c01eef1eDiscussion:e2862042-a196-4ef7-8b59-f40edc7452a3Post:09416252-09d8-4d14-aba6-91a5d9cfcc43">Re: First Fitting tonight!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: First Fitting tonight! : It went great! The dress fit perfect :) Now I'm afraid to lose any weight lol
    Posted by tmw7278[/QUOTE]

    YAY! Congrats!! I'm glad it went great. As for the weight loss, if you're comfortable with where you are, enjoy being able to not diet :) But, if you do lose some, remember, they can always take it in a bit if necessary.
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