April 2013 Weddings

April 27, 2013!! 4+2+7=13!!!

Just picked our date - give or take a week depending on our venue! 

Also, I'm a numerology geek so the math above totally thrills me!
"So what? So it's not going to be easy. It's gonna be hard.
Really hard. But I wanna do that because I want you
- all of you, you and me, every day. Forever."

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Re: April 27, 2013!! 4+2+7=13!!!

  • I would've never thought of it that way. :) it's exciting isn't it? :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I never thought of that.  I'm hoping for April 27th, 2013 too.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • yay!!! we picked that date too.. and now when people ask i can say there is some meaning behind it..  =)
  • I didn't notice that! That's my potential date too!
    Jessica & Patrick
  • We just set our date last week and we set it for April 27th, 2013! LUV4994 I am very glad we didn't pick the same venue in CT!

    I'm a total numbers geek and I didnt even notice that until I saw this post the other day (and I have been trying to find it again since). I was originally thinking 3/2/13 but that is during Lent and also, I decided, too cold. My fiance was born 2/1, I was born 7/6, so I was originally looking for a month with a number one higher than the day hence 3/2 but I didnt want to wait until 5/4 when prices rise. I did all the numbers for April Saturdays and came up with 4/27/2013 was being the best day 4+2+7+2+0+1+3=19 (1+9=10) (1+0=1 perfect date)

    Anyway, that is how I arrived at mine. Can't wait to marry my love! Congrats all!
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