One of my bridesmaids is getting married two months before me. She told me her weddings colors and did not want me to use them. I met with several florists and the first words out of my month is the fact that I cant use those colors. I told my friend that I had decided on a florist, which happened to be the same one she is using for her wedding. She emailed the florist to make sure I wasnt using her colors. The florists made a mistake, looked at the wrong client, and told her my major colors were the same. My friend didnt believe me the florist was wrong and yelled at me. She said the florist had no reason to lie.
The florist has now admited to her that she did make a mistake and looked at the wrong file. However, I am highly offended and upset that she did not believe me. Needless to say damage has been done and I dont know if I even want her as a bridemaids any more. What would you do if it was your friend?