Louisiana-New Orleans

Venue Help

Hi! I am planning a pirate wedding and am looking for a venue to get married. I received a flyer from Mystere Mansion on Canal St and have contacted them for more information. Does anyone know anything about this venue? Any suggestions for other venues? We've ruled out getting married on a ship/boat because we both can get sea sick! Thanks for the help.

Re: Venue Help

  • edited December 2011
    I live in New Orleans and did some research on Mystere Manor.  It is beautiful inside.  The bar there is nice and big and looks like it came out of a saloon.  The house is very ornate and would be a nice spot for your reception.  You might look into places having to do with Laffite the pirate.  I might have spelled that wrong! Haha!  There is a place having to do with the pirate next to St. Louis Cathedral, but I can't remember how big it is offhand.  If I were you, I would go with Mystere.  It has a very interesting history!!  Also, the people who work there are super nice.  Good luck :)
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