Louisiana-New Orleans

DJ: Professional and Fun

I am looking for a DJ that plays contemporary music (rap, pop, basically what you would hear at the Goldmine...).    :)

I am not looking for the traditional line dancing, brick house, celebrate, we are family, etc.

Does anyone have any good recommendations?

Re: DJ: Professional and Fun

  • edited December 2011
    My DJ, David Storm with Omega Sound & Entertainment let me pick out the kind of music I wanted. Now, I picked a lot of the traditional oldies and line dances for the beginning, but I also had a bunch of rap and hip hop for the end. The beginning was nice and classy and all, but the end was when I had the most fun. David was playing like we were in a club. We could've danced all night! I say call him....985-966-6378.
    Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    We are using Omega Sound as well.  So far, David has been really nice, responsive and flexible.
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