Louisiana-New Orleans

DIY Coaster Favors - Whatcha think?

Ok, MOH and I tried a little project tonight for favors for the wedding. Wanted to hear what everyone thinks! 
FI and I have some NOLA themed coasters we got at the French Market a few years ago that we love. I've always thought they'd be cool wedding favors but expensive if I were to buy them. So, we thought we could make them ourselves! We'd do 2 per person/couple.
Here's what we came up with! Keep in mind these are all first drafts. I'd change some pictures to black and white or sepia, some pictures I just don't like at all, etc. The last picture is how we'd package them, but I'm going to change the ribbon to be maybe thicker and a different color. The tag also needs some perfecting.
Btw, if anyone is wondering, the entire project will cost us about $80 for 115 guests!

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Re: DIY Coaster Favors - Whatcha think?

  • carlybarley7carlybarley7 member
    edited December 2011
    Great idea! My fiance has always wanted to do our own versions of these coasters, but we just never got around to it. You could even do pictures of places important to the two of you: where you met, first date, favorite bar or restaurant and include the story behind the pictures on your tags or something similar.
  • edited December 2011
    LOVE these!!
  • cm10/10cm10/10 member
    edited December 2011
    Love!!!  Now that is a favor that I'd actually like to get at a wedding.  Super cute!
  • TurWalkTurWalk member
    edited December 2011
    These are really cute!  Great idea!
  • zoopsiedaisyzoopsiedaisy member
    edited December 2011
    I love them and would love to know how to make them!  If you don't mind sharing I would really appreciate it!!  And I think the way you have them packaged is great because you can see what it is but at the same time it is a perfect little gift.  Nice job!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks everyone!

    Heidiman - Sure! Here's how we did them :) This might look long but it was REALLY easy!

    First we went out and bought 4" x 4" tiles. You can go to lowes.com and see their selection. You can get glazed or unglazed and they have beige or white. We got the unglazed because they're cheaper and we'll basically be glazing them with the sealant. Also chose beige. Here are the ones we bought:
    I got 140 of them at $0.28 a piece. (140 of them because we have 64 "households" coming, rounded up to 70, then doubled because I'm giving sets of two)
    Also at Lowe's we got a roll of really thin cork to put on the bottom of the coasters so they won't scratch up people's tables. Couldn't find it on lowes website but here's some at hobby lobby that's the same thing:
    You could also use felt.
    Then from Michael's we got a container of Mod Podge. There are a few different kinds you can get from any craft store. This is what we used:
    For the pictures I searched online for "new orleans landmarks" and if I wanted anything specific like "abita beer logo" or "new orleans streetcar" or "fleur de lis". 
    I saved the pictures I liked to my computer and uploaded them to a picture editing program. Cropped them to square dimensions and for some I changed them to black and white or sepia. Then pasted them into a word document. 
    From there I used the ruler along the edge of Word to make sure each picture was 3.25 inches and printed them on regular printer paper. Let the ink dry otherwise it might streak when you go to seal them on the coasters. 
    Take a tile and put a thin coat of mod podge on it. Center the picture on top and paint another coat of mod podge over the entire surface. We got a little pack of cheapo sponge brushes from Michael's to do this. Like these:
    Lookout for bubbles! Make sure to smooth the picture out well to avoid them.
    As per the directions on the back of the Mod Podge, we let each coat dry for 15 minutes and repeated 4 times, so 5 coats. You could TOTALLY stop at 3 or even 2 coats, but the more you add the smoother it will get.
    After this it's recommended you seal it with a waterproof acrylic sealer or clear spray sealant. We haven't done this yet so I'll let you know what we use.
    Then we cut square 3.5" sections of cork and hot glued it to the bottom of the coasters.
    Ta-Da! Just tie a ribbon around them, add a cute little tag and you're done :)
    Good luck if you try them and let me know if you have any more questions!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    WOW super cute!!! Great job!!! Love them!!!
  • zoopsiedaisyzoopsiedaisy member
    edited December 2011
    Thank you for the instructions!!  I am going to give it a try.  Also....we must be alike because the picture you have of that bridesmaids dress is the one I really want!  I'm thinking about getting it for my rehearsal dinner.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    That's so funny! We're going between that one and another a lot like it from Belsoie, and whatever one they don't pick I was going to get for my rehearsal dinner!
    Good luck with the coasters!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    That is super-duper cute!! Smile  Thanks for the instructions!
  • Kate504Kate504 member
    edited December 2011
    i made these for chirstmas for people but with pictures of thier family on them.

    Instead of having to cut out the cork i think they sell the circles that you can put on the corners.
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_louisiana-new-orleans_diy-coaster-favors-whatcha-think?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:84Discussion:523c5f5b-db86-48e0-800a-ac6b1daae171Post:42d5ee4e-1320-4485-a9f7-0aaba5572ddb">Re: DIY Coaster Favors - Whatcha think?</a>:
    [QUOTE] i think they sell the circles that you can put on the corners.
    Posted by Kate504[/QUOTE]

    <div>Oh yeah! You can use those too. We looked at them but I think for 140 coasters the cork board was cheaper. </div>
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • ssoileaulsussoileaulsu member
    edited December 2011
    These are awesome!  I gave it a try today.  My only problem is that the mod podge is drying with white streaks.  Did you run into this problem?  Any suggestions?  We did use matte finish instead of gloss.  Do you think that makes a difference?

  • edited December 2011
    We didn't have that problem when they were completely dry. When they're still wet it looks like they're going to dry with streaks but they never turned out that way. The only thing I can think is that you may be making the coats too thick? The matte finish may have something to do with it as well but I couldn't tell you because I've never used it, sorry!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    how long did it take to make them?
  • edited December 2011
    Maybe three or four hours?
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