Louisiana-New Orleans

engagement picture locations

Hey guys,
     I was wondering if any of ya'll could help me. My fiance and I are about to take engagement pictures. We were thinking about taking them in City Park but was looking for some place more original. Do any of all have any ideas?

Thanks so much for your help!

Re: engagement picture locations

  • Go and walk around the French Quarter, and take a look around. There are some great areas to shoot, especially Pirates Alley. 
  • Your photographer should have some suggestions. I told mine what kind of feel we were looking for and they came up with an original location for us.
  • We had ours in the FQ - they turned out so beautifully unique AND it was such a cool experience!  We are from WI and were there on a scouting trip, so it's a little more novel for us...passersby were taking pics of us and the carriage tour guides were even stopping to "show" everybody the "photo shoot".  Kinda fun. :)    Also, it will depend upon the style of photos you like.  City Park will yield more traditional posted pictures, where the FQ allowed for more impromtu, modern and photojournalistic type photos, which we prefer.

    LIke jap5053 said, your photographer probaby has some favorite spots they prefer to shoot.
  • A friend of mine did theres in Louis Armstrong park - just an idea if you like the scenic outdoors-type photos but wanted something different. 

    I've also seen beautiful shoots in the FQ, marigny, warehouse district

    We actually did ours in that little carnival area in city park and took some after shots in the park itself - it was definitely more of a fun, whimsical shoot but FI and I are big goobers so it was only fitting. You can check them out here http://www.twirlphotography.com/blog/?p=5053

    I think the best idea is to think about what KIND of pictures you want, and then the location will narrow itself down. Ditto PP about using your photog for ideas! 

    Good luck!
  • I am an OOT bride, but my photographers Bill and Mendy Wolfe bnmphoto.com took us to Olde Town in Kenner. AH-MAZING! So many cool ideas for shots. You can prob look online and see what it looks like. I recommend the site and photographers!
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