Louisiana-New Orleans

mansur's videography?

Has anyone used Mansur's Videography from Baton Rouge?  They have very good prices and good reviews on wedj.com, but I can't find anything else written about them.  That makes me a little nervous.
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Re: mansur's videography?

  • I am interested to know to because we are looking for a reasonable price videographer. :)
  • We called and left them a message.  The owner, Courtney, called us back today and will be mailing us an information package.  She did say that they charge $1 per mile to travel outside of Baton Rouge.  So, it will be about $80 additional.  Even then, they are still very competitively priced.  They do have a website too.  So far, I don't see warning flags - other than the fact that I can't find reviews on the web.  But then again - I can't find anything negative either - and they aren't a new company.  I will be sure to post if we decide to go with them, and of course, reviews afterwards.
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