August 2013 Weddings


Im new to this, but figured that I would utilize it...
My wedding is in Aug of 2013 - when is the best time to send save-the-dates? Would June be to early? Thanks in advance

Re: Save-the-dates

  • 9 to 6 months in advance

    TTC starting 8/2014 :)
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  • I am also wondering about when to send them out. We are planning on meeting several friends and family in Vegas. They will be coming from all over the county. Would August 12 be to early for a Aug 12 date? Thanks
  • I think your asking if it's smart to send out STDs a year in advance? I would think it would be okay if you are okay with a lot of people losing them. Make them something like a fridge magnet so they can't lose it!
  • I realize this post may be dead, but we're sending our STDs for August 10, 2013 out at end of August/beginning of September 2012.

    Not too worried about people losing them persay, but want people to have our wedding in mind so that if they do wish to come they can plan their summer vacations accordingly, since we do have some family and friends that plan their summer vacas by Christmas.
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  • I posted about this earlier and the only responses I got were "wait 'til December" But as the PP said, many family members already put in for time off by the holidays. I plan to send them out in September, but I think we're going to do an E-vite something or other, save on postage and whatnot. My former roommates had too many save the date magnets, all were chucked when we moved! 
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