Louisiana-New Orleans

Hotel Room Blocks Help

Is anyone using a coordinator to help with hotel room blocks?  If so, who? We want to see a list, if possible to be able to compare rates, if breakfast is licluded, etc. 
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Re: Hotel Room Blocks Help

  • I would just fill out a survey on the New Orleans Convention and Visitor's Bureau.  You'll start receiving a bunch of emails from different hotels.  If you really want to hire a coordinator to do that, weddingsbylulu offers it as a service. 

  • Thanks! Conference Direct used to do it for free, but I'm not sure if they still do or if anyone knew of anyone else.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker "In a perfect world every home has a dog and every dog has a loving home." www.animalrescueneworleans.org Photobucket
  • I used hotelplanner.com. It is a free servce and I found it invalueable as I had no help from my coordinator/planner and I got married during the Final Four!!
    Good Luck!
  • I second Lulu.  She's my planner and took care of our blocks.  We gave her our requirements and she gave us a list of about 6 to choose from.  Then she sent us contracts from our final choices and links to use on our website.  easy peasy!
  • Go through the convention bureau. You will get the best rates.
  • email to convention bureau. They'll narrow down your search by your needs/pricing. We're using Hilton Riverside. No upfront costs, no fees if rooms aren't booked, and no fee for handing out welcome bags at the check in counter...we came across all these at other places. They are very helpful.
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