
Church Community

Hey Ladies, I posted the same thing on our facebook page but thought i'd post it on here as well.

My cousin, a pastor who lives in Cincy, is performing our ceremony for us. Since he is a few hours away, he has given us a small list of things he expects from us. He would like us to... A. get to know people in a church community, our choice and B. receive some sort of marriage counseling.

He has given us a choice to either have him refer us to a counseling program that he uses in cincy, OR find one through a church closer to home. I'm not too familiar with any churches or counseling programs around the north columbus area. I live in Delaware so I do not want to stray too far from home... mostly due to the fact that my fiance has never been to church and the whole idea freaks him out.

I grew up Catholic and went to a Catholic school k-12, but i dont think I am looking to go to a catholic church.  What i would really like to find is possibly a nice down to earth christian church that maybe had a young adult service/program/group and would also offer couseling programs or be able to refer to one.


Re: Church Community

  • edited December 2011
    We are both Catholic, so we were required to do their pre-marital counseling and all.

    I would recommend googling non denominational churches in your area and trying a few out. You should be able to get a "feel" for the church, their parishoners and the pastor within a few times of attending service. Then once you feel comfortable with a church, you can call or talk to the pastor and go from there.

    Not to start an argument or anything, but is your FI a Christian? If not, I could definitely see how going to church and having a Christian ceremony could be quite awkward for him.
  • edited December 2011
    New Albany Church is where I go. We have everything you are looking for. It's down to earth, Southern Baptist, fun music.
    For all ages there are small groups. You should come to mine to see what it's about!
    If you aren't feeling it, then don't come again. I won't push you into it. But, I really think you'll enjoy it. Our pastor is like 32, I think? He's awesome.

    They may also be able to refer you to pre-marital couseling within our church or outside.

    Message me if you want to know more.

  • edited December 2011
    We are getting married at Vineyard Church of Columbus (in Westerville). It is a non-denominational church and I grew up there, and go to a similar church here in Charlotte, NC. They have an awesome family and marriage department that has an awesome pre-martial counseling program. There is a Vineyard in Delaware, but the one I am more familiar with is the one in Westerville. Kelli Messick is the head of it and she is the one marrying us! 

    Pre-martial counseling is so important, and I hope you find a great place. You can find all the info under marriage and family.

    Hope this helps!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies! I will have to check some of these places out! My fiance has never been a part of a church.  Funny because his dad was born, raised and went to catholic schools and his moms parents were heads of a church, He has never been baptised or gone to church except for a wedding!!! its wierd haha I dont think he has a problem with going, i think hes just scared and doesnt know what to expect, which is understandable.  Im hoping that this will be a good learning experience for him! :D
  • edited December 2011
    Yeah. You probably don't want to force it on him. But, God will open up so many doors for you two and your future. Without God, there would be nothing.
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