
Poll: TTD?

So, my original plan with my wedding dress was to donate it to Brides for Breast Cancer.  I went to meet with Jen over the weekend to discuss my wedding album, and her and John got to talking about how cool it would be to do a TTD with paintball guns.  I was happy that he got so excited about doing a photo shoot because he hates getting his picture taken, but I don't know that I have the stomach to have giant balls of paint come whipping at me at crazy speeds. Those things hurt!So, if DH/FI asked you to do this, would you do it?  Not sure how serious he was being but I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks of a paintball TTD. 

Re: Poll: TTD?

  • MrsNDMMrsNDM member
    edited December 2011
    I still plan on doing a TTD session but not totally trashing it, donating my dress to people much more in need than I am is more important to me then some extreme trashing pictures. Everyones views are different but that's my thinking. Is he really into paintballing? Maybe you can just go to a course and stage a fight or something? That way he can get those pics and you can still donate.
  • edited December 2011
    i would like to think i would do that for FI, but i wouldn't be able to take the pain! could you make it look like your dress had been hit with paintballs other than them being shot?i do think it would make for some cool pictures though!
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    TTC Baby #1 since September 2011
  • tidetraveltidetravel member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I plan on doing a TTD session at some point. Plans were kind of put on hold with the baby and all.
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
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  • pantsarellapantsarella member
    edited December 2011
    I think I would do it, but I've never been paintballing before and I definitely wouldn't want a TTD session to be the first time that I did!I think that if donating your dress is important to you then you should stick to your guns on it. Try to find another idea that he'd be on board with that won't trash your dress as much.
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  • edited December 2011
    I don't know that I have the stomach to have giant balls of paint come whipping at me at crazy speeds This. Especially in my not cheap wedding dress.  I'm not planning on donating mine b/c I'm not ready to part with it and I still wouldn't want it covered in paint. I agree with pp.. maybe you can stage it without actually trashing it.... get some good pics of YOU shooting at HIM :)

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  • edited December 2011
    would it actually be ruined or would the paint come out?  If you could get it looking like new again and then donate it after I say go for it!
  • edited December 2011
    If I knew with certainty that the paint will come out of the gown, then I'd consider it, but there's no way I could stomach absolutely ruining my dress.  I'm not keeping it, but I'm also not willing to literally trash my dress.  The other thing is that paintballs HURT.  I don't know that I'd want to be shot up with those stupid things... most people wear some protection when playing, don't they?  A staged shoot might be one way to accomplish the look John has in his mind without actually bruising your body and tie-dying your dress.
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with staging a fight.  Although it would probably be a great time, I don't think I'd be willing to stand there and let DH shoot  me w/ something I knew was going to hurt.  You could still get some great shots around the course (?), with the guns and pads and stuff...and of course, you could always shoot him!  And then you could still donate your dress. 
  • edited December 2011
    I actually think it sounds really cool. Staging the fight sounds like the best way to go so you won't get hurt and so your dress isn't totally trashed. I've never been paintballing so I'm not sure of the logistics. Also, I'm thinking the paint must be washable, so your dress probably wouldn't actually be ruined.

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  • woowalkwoowalk member
    edited December 2011
    I definitely want to do a TTD session, but I couldn't do it with the involvement of paintball guns! They hurt, and they could ruin the dress ...
  • weezie825weezie825 member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I couldn't do it.  I have been calling it a Rock the Dress Session for that reason.  I can't even stand the thought of calling it "Trash the Dress."Tell him if he gets to Paintball your dress you get to take a sledge hammer to his computer! 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I hadn't even heard of trashing the dress until I started reading on this board.  I'm not 100% sure what the point is of doing this, but just for fun?That's a neat idea though, with the paintballing.  I'll bet you would get some cool photos..especially an all black and white shot, except the paintball splatter which would be color?  That'd be fun!I personally wouldn't be able to do a TTD I don't think.  Even though my dress wasn't expensive I still want it clean and in tact!  Just me though.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm still seriously considering it.  Not a TTD - no way in he11 I could trash it - but maybe a serious RTD session.  Def wouldn't do paintballs, though.  They hurt and if they don't hit in the artsy way you're hoping they do you can't undo it and start again.Though I'm wondering what the point of staging a fight would be?  I would think the cool thing about this idea was shots of your gown spattered with bright paint colors. 
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  • holly&robertholly&robert member
    edited December 2011
    Im not really into TTD, but that's just me.  If I were, the paintball idea would not be happening.  I went once, and never again.  I'm a wuss with pain.  It hurt way too much to call it fun.  But if you think you can tolerate it, or even enjoy it, I think it would be cool.  But if go that route, the dress really couldnt be donated.  What would your plans be then for the dress? 
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies - I think that the IDEA of doing a paintball shoot is cool - if I had graphic splotches of different color paint all over my dress it would be very visually appealing.  I don't know how it would pan out in reality, and my dress would be destroyed afterwards.  The velocity of the paintballs would for sure tear the lace, and I think that I would feel terribly guilty for ruining such a beautiful dress.  I wanted to make sure that I wasn't being the "party pooper" by being against the idea, but I'm glad that I'm not the only one that would be a little leery about having balls whizzing past them and huge welts all over themselves.  Thanks girls :)
  • edited December 2011
    Am I the only one having flashbacks of that scene in Clueless where Amber gets out of gym because her plastic surgeon doesn't wants her doing any activities where "balls fly in her face"??  Lol
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    BFP#2 1/12/12 ~ Missed M/C 8w2d
  • edited December 2011
    lol, when I said "balls" I giggled myself.  Oh geez I don't think I'll ever grow up some days. 
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