
Omitting tradition

Hey Girls, I am omitting the Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Is anyone else doing this or am i just being really weird? LOL

Re: Omitting tradition

  • edited December 2011
    I didn't do it. And my luck was juuuust fine. I did wear underwear that had blue. And I guess most of what I was wearing was new. But that was coincidence.
  • edited December 2011
    ok whew... glad to know im not solo on this and im sure FMIL will flip over this one, but i dont care... i just dont want the ?stress? of finding all these things... blue is easy, but what to borrow and something old.. bah!!
  • edited December 2011
    yeah I wouldn't worry about it.  I haven't given it much thought myself.  My mom gave me a hanky with a blue embroidered flower on it, which really could serve as the new and blue..although all my attire and that stuff is new anyway. borrowed and old?  eh..who cares.  If I come across stuff that fits into those categories, fine..If not, I'm not losing sleep over it.
  • weezie825weezie825 member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I omitted a few traditions some because I was a second time bride and some because they are not my style.  Other traditions I worked into my wedding in a more off-beat way... I used "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue" as the theme to pic my outfits for my boudoir pictures.  Something Old- the outfit that I wore for a very important event (meaningful to myself and DH)Something New- A Lace Nightie made by the designer of my wedding dressSomething Borrowed- One of DH's Ties and a Long Sleeved button up shirtSomething Blue- My Spiderman T SHirt and a pair of panties
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Most of mine happen to be coincidence (other than the blue undies - but I just thought those were cute). My grandfather died 11 years ago but he was such big part of my life and I want him with me that day, so my something old just happens to be his dog tags from when he was in the army.  My something new is my dress - I think that can go for almost everyone.  And borrowed - I'm wearing my sister's veil for the pure fact that it was entirely too expensive to have only been worn for 3 hours at her own wedding and no one wanted to spend money on a new one.I don't think you're being weird at all.  You aren't going to have bad luck or anything like that.
  • edited December 2011
    I didn't do it.  I also didn't throw a garter or bouquet, or kiss on demand when people tapped glasses. 
  • edited December 2011
    oh yeah, we're not doing a garter and bouquet toss either.  Instead we're doing an anniversary dance and the couple married the longest gets a bottle of one of our favorite wines. 
  • MereFM99MereFM99 member
    edited December 2011
    I'm doing something old, new, borrowed blue.  And at the reception we're doing a first dance together (my rule) and cutting the cake together (his rule), but we aren't doing any other typical reception traditions.  The rest of the night will be eating, drinking, and dancing!
  • edited December 2011
    I'm getting married in a month (exactly, Yikes!) and I don't have any of that yet. I thought I would get it at my shower. I'm not sure if that's when you're supposed too. So, as of right now, I'm not doing it either.
  • edited December 2011
    thanks girls! You sure made me feel better. I was like wow when all the girls on the oct 09 board have something and i didnt. We arent doing bouquet or garter either. We are doing the anniversary dance, but i love the wine idea!
  • edited December 2011
    I've never even been on the Oct 09 board!
  • edited December 2011
    I have a something blue, and lots of something new's, but no borrowed or old...I'm really not concerned with getting them at this point.  I think it was an old Murphy Brown episode where the bride borrowed and old $10 bill from her BM and tucked it into her bra right before she walked down the aisle :) that's always a possibility...
  • edited December 2011
    would be better if i just got the ten bucks! LOL esp after dropping those checks... the thing im most  not looking forward too. RE: oct 09 board... those girls are soo nice over there and its nice because they are pretty much on the same page I am with planning etc. NOT better than my hometown Bmore board gals, but different :)
  • edited December 2011
    I hadn't planned on it either... again obviously I had the new (dress.. shoes...etc) and I also wore light blue undies but b/c they were super cute and I'd wear them again.  I had something old b/c my grandmother had a rhinestone necklace that matched my dress.  I wasn't planning on borrowing anything until my MOH gave me a pin to attach to the inside of the wedding dress that was her mothers (who i was close to and passed away this year).  So I ended up with borrowed as well, but I wouldn't have cared if I hadn't had it. It was a lot of coincidence for me too!

    MyBio image

  • edited December 2011
    So my grandmother is overly tradtional to a point that it is annoying everyone. So i am not really doing the something old yadayada , however i will wear blue shoes, because it will make her laugh that i "followed" the rule but in my way. I feel like who is going to see my shoes any way. My grandmother always gets on me for wearing "crazy colored pumps" everywhere. Plus i have big feet and refuse to wear white shoes. My colors are blue and yellow too.
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