
AW: All my RSVP's are back!!

Yay! The Mom's have been calling people like crazy and we finally got a response from everyone!Oh, and my favorite is when FMIL called FI's Uncle repeatedly after not sending it back - he says "what kind of a wedding needs a head count anyway?!" Um...the kind that send you a pre-stamped envelope for your response!! I understand that he's used to backyard type weddings, but geez is the concept of any type of rsvp completely foreign... :)Off to the seating chart headache...

Re: AW: All my RSVP's are back!!

  • edited December 2011
    hahaha...when my mom called my one uncle he asked....when is it again?!  I may be busy (uhhh retired doesnt do anything but watch tv!)
  • edited December 2011
    We actually found out one of FI's aunts who after getting her STD booked a flight...never got an invite!!! we so sent her one because I remember stuffing it...I felt sooo bad!  anyone else have this happen!?
  • edited December 2011
    Yeah, I had an aunt that didn't get hers either (thankfully she's not OOT though)...she got the shower invite and was like "um, I never even received a wedding invite" all was remedied in the end though!
  • edited December 2011
    YAY!!!!I think its seriously funny when people get those and have no clue what to do with them!
  • edited December 2011
    Lucky you!  Tomorrow is our RSVP deadline and we are still waiting on about 6-7 responses.  Fortunately for me, they are all on my FI's list!  So he'll be making the calls.
  • edited December 2011
    Congrats! My RSVP date is the 24th and I am still waiting on like 20... What are people doing?
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers My bio Last Updated: 12/1/09
  • edited December 2011
    I know really...i mean you practically mail it for them by putting a stamp on it!  I guess the only thing i can think is that people who are undecided put it aside and just forget....I just know I dont forget things like weddings!! they are so fun!
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