
Photog Rave!

I just want to say that even though he hasn't photographed my wedding yet, Matt Fuller of Tender Images, is wonderful!  Fi and I met with him last night to over the final details and I have to say I feel so comfortable and KNOW we will get great shots!  Especially since I've seen Erin and Trisha's pictures!he even asked me if I was a knottie after I mentioned I've seen some of his recent work!  Love him...if anyone is looking for a VERY affordable yet High quality photog check him out!  He was thrilled when I told him his name is all over the Baltimore knot!

Re: Photog Rave!

  • edited December 2011
    eek! Your day is coming so soon! Even scarier, I am right behind you!!! Matt is wonderful. We have had two meetings with him, the initial one where he "sold us" and then when we did our epics(which turned out great!). He just makes you feel so comfortable. Can't wait to see your wedding pics, that is if you share them. :-)
  • edited December 2011
    you better believe I am sharing!
  • edited December 2011
    I told him at my wedding I knew he had shot Tricia's wedding the week before and also that I had seen HeatherAllen's pictures too.  He probably thought I was some crazy photog stalker! You girls will LOVE him on the day of because he is so relaxed and doesn't make anyone feel uptight or nervous.  He is really funny and just overall a good guy.  Even my DH didn't mind having his picture taken (which he normally hates) and at the end he thought Matt was his favorite vendor (not that he had to deal with any of them, but still, he was a fan) :) Its too funny he asked if you are a knottie though!

    MyBio image

  • MereFM99MereFM99 member
    edited December 2011
    Matt is our photographer too!  I had him take the engagement photos out of our package like I mentioned in my other post.  But my fiance is not really a spotlight loving kind of guy and I'm not sure how well he's going to handle all of the formal photos, that's why I'm wondering if we should reconsider.  I'm thinking it might be good for him to interact with the photographer in advance?  But then again it seems like a waste b/c I don't think we'd ever use the photos.  I'm stuck!
  • edited December 2011
    Mere - I am assuming he gave you a discount or something to not include the e-pics but if you are both really uncomfortable with pictures, it might be a good "trial run".  You can have them wherever you want (he did ours in OC!) and you can choose an enviroment that would be comfortable for you.  If you are afraid people would be watching maybe find a uncrowded park or something.  If you have absolutely no use for them it might not be worth paying for them, but I liked having the ability to work with Matt once so on the wedding day we already felt like we were buddies! And its nice to have some non-bridal pictures of us to have around.

    MyBio image

  • edited December 2011
    unionbay - do you happen to have any of your photos online? I was on his website and there isn't to much under the portfolio to look at and I just wanted to see some more to get an idea of his style. The price of the package is deff. awesome for what it includes.
  • edited December 2011
    Sorry for the bold!
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