
F/U Lay Offs

Good news and bad news.  I am safe at work and will be keeping my job.  Bad news is I lose several coworkers and the most awesome boss ever...and I really do mean that...she was amazing.Just wanted to give you guys a follow up and I appreciate all your good, positive thoughts!

Re: F/U Lay Offs

  • edited December 2011
    I kept checking this afternoon to find out what happened - that does suck about your boss, but I'm glad that you were able to keep your job!
  • edited December 2011
    Ditto Tree. That's great that you were lucked out and are able to keep your job. It totally sucks about your boss though. I know what it's like to lose a good boss. Hopefully it won't change how you feel about your job.
  • edited December 2011
    Good, I'm glad you get to keep your job.  I am sorry to hear about your boss and co-workers though...this stuff is always a lose-lose situation.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm so glad that everything is ok for you.  I know that you probably feel somewhat "guilty" for being saved while people you care about (that were probably very good at what they did) got cut.  I hope this economy turns around soon and that they all find places they are happy (and DH!).  Knottie vibes continuing your way.
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