
Photo Card Box

I know there was a knottie who made their own... I think her name was melanie but I'm not certain. Is anyone doing this or remember who did this in the past so I can stalk her bio?

Re: Photo Card Box

  • bethybeachbethybeach member
    edited December 2011
    I got the link out of bmorebride's bio
  • Loveofjoe11Loveofjoe11 member
    edited December 2011
    I have a pic of mine in my DIY section
    image Thanksgiving, 2011 Amanda & Joe, June 28, 2008 Blog of Randomness BFP 6/10/11; Missed m/c at 5wk6d; D&C 7/18/11, Triploidy BFP 11/24/11, please be our sticky baby pregnant
  • edited December 2011
    i was planning to make one but I dont think it's happening...i think i still may have the link in my can check.
  • FraggleRock10FraggleRock10 member
    edited December 2011
    Yeah. I've seen them in the past.Maybe you can find it on the roadtotheaisle blog. Is anyone SELLING their photocardbox? I would need it for October 24. Please email me brandonandtiffany at hotmail dot com Thanks
  • edited December 2011
    I might be willing to sell my card box.  I need to take a look at it and see how easy it would be to get the photos out of it.  You'd also have to make a new top but it was really REALLY easy and would probably cost you a total of $5.I can't remember which poster said they were interested (I can't see from this window) but shoot me an emailheidipippin at gmail dot com
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