

Just an FYI if you have not found anyone to make your black bottoms my aunt makes great ones! She made about 200 minis for my shower and they were great!
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers My bio Last Updated: 12/1/09

Re: lovethebeach16

  • edited December 2011 bottoms, my fave! butting in...I have a recipe, it's so simple, I've made so many times and never had any issues. let me know if you want it.
  • edited December 2011
    ok, I'll have to do it tonight, I don't have it at work. Email me if you don't see it cause I may forget. jveaux328 AT
  • edited December 2011
    I have one also that was my aunts. I made them for a christmas work party the other year and they were a BIG hit! My mom made them for her work as well and went over great there too!!! If you want i will email you mine as well and you can maybe try both and see which one turns out better for you.
    ***TTC Buddies w/ Monkey1018 & TTC/GP BFF w/ Jeep Doll***
    **GP Lucky Charm: TheDeatons**
  • edited December 2011
    She does not work at a bakery but she does cakes at home. I had seen your bio and thought of you when I was eating them. LOL
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers My bio Last Updated: 12/1/09
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