
Vintage Photobooth?

Anyone know of any actual vintage photobooth I can rent for my reception? Most of the ones I am finding are cheesy digital booths, and the couple that are vintage are REALLY expensive- mabye I'm not being realistic?

Re: Vintage Photobooth?

  • kellygrochmalkellygrochmal member
    edited December 2011
    yeah i called about 8 different companies and there were about 3 of them that had the actual vintage ones like you see on the boardwalk. expensive expensive expensive. i couldnt find one any less than $2500. its because they are EXTREMELY heavy since they arent digital, there is dyes and other stuff that makes it so pricey. they are also more likely to have issues the day of.
  • edited December 2011
    I used they are out of OC but travel to Baltimore for an extra $60.  They were great to work with and I thought it looked classy and not too cheesy.  They have 2 options - a vintage 1957 booth and then the more modern one with a red velvet drape.  We had the one with the drape b/c it was cheaper, but the vintage booth was still $1500 for 4 hours.  HTH!

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