
reader gift...

I am looking for something small but nice to give to FI's is a reader and one has just helped a lot...any ideas??  I am looking for something between 15 and 20 but doesn't seem cheap.TIA!

Re: reader gift...

  • edited December 2011
    Tiger direct has digital frames.Check out nordstrom rack or Filiens basement. If she is college age a gift card to a coffee shop near the school.If she is in Highschool/jr high those oversize coloful purses are in style and at target.Gift card to get a manicure.make up trunk
  • edited December 2011
    I've been trying to figure this out too.  Since she is a reader, you could give her one of those little gift books about sisters or friends and then a barnes and noble gift card?? I was thinking about doing a coffee mug and then a BN gift card in it...
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