
NWR: Duggars fans

So, YES I am fully aware it's a corny and weirdo show, but my mom and I have this tradition of watching it together every week. Anywhoo, Jim Bob and Michelle announced on the Today Show that they are pregnant with number 19! Yikes!!! I really thought they'd stop on # 18 but apparently not haha. I'm secretly hoping it's twins so they can get to # 20... And their first grandchild is due in October. Crazy! Just wanted to share my shock on the matter.
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Re: NWR: Duggars fans

  • edited December 2011
    I really like the Duggers...but c'mon!  That is insane!!! hahaha!
  • edited December 2011
    Like worse than insane... I don't even know a word for it.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Miss ... Mrs.
  • edited December 2011
    At least they take care of them.  Octamom on the other hand...I just worry about her getting older and the increased risk of advanced maternal age and pregnancy.  Hoping for another happy, healthy baby for them!
  • edited December 2011
    Ugh Kimbrout- tell me about it. Advanced maternal age really scares me... she's getting up there. I'm specializing in OB/L&D, so Michelle fascinates me! Multiparous to the max.... I wonder how long her labors last!!!! But yeah it's good that they do take care of them, unlike other famous large families... I hope this baby is as healthy as all the rest, but I also hope that sooner or later they realize their age may not be beneficial for their babies' health. But while they're at 19, they ought to just go for 20 and be done with it.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Miss ... Mrs.
  • edited December 2011
    SweetCFly - I just started rotating on L&D in med school and the way multips go I bet she goes SUPER fast. What part of healthcare are you in?
  • edited December 2011
    I'm in nursing school at UMSON, finishing up my practicum- 99 days until pinning, woohoo! I did clinicals at UMMS and Mercy, but my practicum is at Upper Chesapeake in Bel Air.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Miss ... Mrs.
  • edited December 2011
    I really like the Duggars a lot too. I heard some statistic though that Michelle has been pregnant or nursing for something like 20 years straight when you add it all up...yikes! Can you imagine!?
  • edited December 2011
    the kids are raised really well and i give them a lot of credit.
  • edited December 2011
    FI and I watch this show every week. They've been in DC for the last couple of episodes, so that's been neat to see. I do think the family is a bit weird, but they're self-sufficient (totally debt free) and the kids are very well behaved, so you've got to give it to them!
  • Aston MartinAston Martin member
    edited December 2011
    Hi there,I'm not a big fan of the show. HOWEVER, I must give credit where credit is due. They are  SUPER DUPER family and I love the way they are as a family. All those kids, DEBT FREE, happy, and got an amazing teamwork when it comes to taking care of family. At least they were prepared (ahem OCTOMOM).Now, Im on the fence about having a gazillion babies. To each is own, but I would love for her to give it a rest a bit. I know Jim and Michelle love each other ( guess so with 18.5 kids) but seriously.Gotta love them though! More power to them. There house is SOOO COOL. lol
  • edited December 2011
    I don't watch that show, but I agree about the kids being taken care of and raised well.  I saw on the preview when they were getting on the Metro and you heard Michelle saying to the kids to be polite and let others off first.  I admire that.If only everyone still lived by this rule of courtesy.  Def. giving credit where credit is due for those parents.
  • edited December 2011
    i love the duggars tooo
  • edited December 2011
    Their kids are polite and responsible, it appears, and I give them credit for doing it all without gov't assistance... but I can't fathom that all 18+ kids get the quality time with Mom and Dad that they deserve.  The buddy system that they use, pairing an older child with a younger child, bugs me and makes me feel like "if the parents can't do it themselves, maybe they shouldn't have any more children to divide their attention among."They're a far sight better than Octomom and appear to have a far more stable homelife than the Gosselins, but I can't just give them a pat on the back because their kids are behaved.  I think it's irresponsible to have that many kids.  I know that's Judgey McJudgerson of me, but I can't help it.
  • edited December 2011
    FIA, my mom was just saying last night how she is amazed by the amount of attention each of the Duggar children gets... she thinks they seem to get a lot of one-on-one attention, but I don't know... Just because they can spout out all 18 of the "J" names within a minute doesn't necessarily mean they spend QT with all of them all the time. I feel bad for the younger ones sort of, because there's so many in that under 9 age range I feel like, and I'm sure they get over shadowed... that's an age where kids need a lot of attention. But I have to hand it to Jim Bob and Michelle, they on the whole are great parents and really love the kids- and they still seem like they are as in love as they were when they were teenagers. They must have great communication and organization is all I can think of!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Miss ... Mrs.
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