

Bayside Limo...they did a one way transfer for you?  In hindsight, I really needed that option but my place has a 3 hr minimum.Any ideas on what to do with the limo in the mean time?  I think I am going to use it for family friends and my wedding planner to finish carrying things over to the venue to set up.Sigh...

Re: **SK**

  • edited December 2011
    Yes, we got a 1hr transfer because we just needed to get from the reception to the hotel (15 mins away). We could have just hopped in the car with family or friends also going to the hotel, but I dunno, we wanted to go by ourselves I guess.Before we found out about the 1hr option, we were thinking we'd have to go with the minimum 3hrs and just have the driver drive us around for awhile while enjoying champagne in the back or something. But your idea of using it for friends and family is good too.

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