
Hair Help

Ok, I really hate my hair. It's just very thin and can get really frizzy when it's humid out and I can't do anything with it. Well I have been trying to grow it out since we got engaged over a year ago and it's barely grow at all... seriously, maybe 3 inches in over a year! I even tried prenatals thinking that may help. I have thyroid disease so that makes my hair fall out but I'm really desperate to get my hair in good shape for the wedding in less than 6 weeks now. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions on good hair products to use, vitamins to take, anything?

Re: Hair Help

  • edited December 2011
    Well I know that prenatal vitamins are supposed to make your hair stronger and healthier...and grow...Here is a link I found-
  • edited December 2011
    Maybe you could try the temporary hair extensions for the day of, they will add some volume to make your hair appear thicker.  My hair stylist recommended Euronext brand that they sell at Sally's.
  • edited December 2011
    My Mom is currently losing her hair (from a surgery) and her doctor told her to take Brewer's Yeast.  It comes in pill form and you can get it at health food stores and most likely vitamin stores.  I also heard Biotin helps, too.  They come in pill form and you can find them at the same places, too.HTH!
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