Hey ladies -- I'm sort of arguing with my mom about when to send out the invitations. Standard planning advice says to send invites 6-8 weeks before the wedding, but does that mean before the actual wedding date or before the date that the final headcount has to be provided to the venue/caterer?Our wedding is Feb. 27, but we have to give the venue our final headcount by Feb. 5. So I'd like the RSVP deadline to be Jan. 20 or 25 (to give the late folks a little leeway, and give me some time to hound any non-responders). Ideally, we'd send out the invites 6 weeks before that, but that puts us right smack up against Christmas, and I don't want the invites to get swept up in high volumes of holiday cards, especially since lots of folks travel. I was leaning toward sending them the first week of December, my mom says that's way too early and I whould send them around Jan. 1.Thoughts?