
mnmatton/sweetcfly (My E-Pics Session w/ Jenni)

I didn't want to continue on the last thread bc I didn't know if you guys would scroll down to see it. mmatton:  Thanks for responding about the e-pics.  You said that she used photoshop on your scrape.  Did you ask her or did she just do it?  FI used this medicine on his face about 3 weeks ago and it broke him out - acne all over his face.  He used Triclear which broke him out even more... online it said that it would do that but would start to clear up in a week or two.  It didn't do that it just kept getting worse.  He then bought proactive - which started to clear it up.  It worked really good but he still had some acne around his chin.  We didn't want to cancel on her even though he was a little upset and insecure about his face.  It wasn't just a few pimples here and there, it was really bad.  I am just wondering if she would photoshop his face? I am dying to see what they look like. She said she is working on a b-pic session and once she completes that she will start on our photo session.  She said it will be about a week.  How long before you received your cd?   sweet:  Fells point is a good choice.  The three of you will walk around and she will take pics.  She is great, she will direct you and point out spots.  Also, she is open to suggestions.  We were walking and we passed a laundromat and I asked her if we could take some in there.  She said sure and I think we got some really cool shots in there.  I really wanted to take some pics at Cat's Eye Pub, they were closed but the guy unlocked the door and allowed us to come in for a few photos.  We then went to Federal Hill.  We had a ball!!! We took some on top the hill with the harbor in the background, went to the vis. art musuem and took pics outside.  I think we got some really good pics there too.  However, if you are only doing one location I would suggest Fells Point.  You have more variety.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Also, wear comfortable shoes! I had heels on but also brought flip flops to walk in but I ended up still getting a huge blister on my foot.    The session went well and I can't wait to get the pis back!!!  I will def. let you two know when I get them back.  We had great weather and Jenni is awesome to work with.  My only complainants are waking up that morning with a huge pimple on my chin and I was having a VERY BAD hair day. lol. And FI's situation wasn't good either but maybe she'll use the magic of photoshop.

Re: mnmatton/sweetcfly (My E-Pics Session w/ Jenni)

  • ajerome21ajerome21 member
    edited December 2011
    ***pics back, not pis back. LOL!
  • edited December 2011
    did you win that e-pics session????
  • mmattoonmmattoon member
    edited December 2011
    I had mentioned it to her during our shoot and she took it out of some of the photos but missed it in a couple so I asked her to go back through and look for it again and she did, no problem. I would just send her an email asking her to pay special attention to whatever issues you are concerned about and she'll take of it. I think I got my CD in the mail within 2 weeks.
  • edited December 2011
    So I've been perusing Jenni's blog.. she already put your pics up, Ajerome!!!!!  YOUR PICS ARE AWESOME!  I'm very excited now!  Your FI's chin didn't look noticable at all if there were pimples on there... she must have already touched them up.  Anywhoo, just wanted to tell you how fabulous they are.  You are gorgeous, btw!  I talked to Jenni on Monday, and she told us we could bring different outfits, no problem, so I think we are going to (in addition to just bringing the Raven's Jersey's to throw on overtop our casual clothes).  Where did you change?  I'm totally fine with changing in the car!  FI's Xterra has tinted windows... lolAnd one last thing- loved the shots ya'll did in your football jersey's!  I never would have thought to do it like that!  Now I really can't wait until next Saturday :)
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Miss ... Mrs.
  • ajerome21ajerome21 member
    edited December 2011
    yes, she emailed me to let me know they were up.  I received it on my blackberry when I was in a work meeting!!!! I just kept looking at the clock and couldn't wait for it to finish so I could see them. lol.  Thank You for the compliments.  We actually played a very quick mini game of football.  I love the pic of me screaming because I really thought for a second that he was going to tackle me.... i was screaming "it's touch, it's touch, it's touch football!!!!!"  lol!!! It was soooo much fun! And he did end up tackling me like a minute later.  I can't wait to get the other pics.  We took the pics yesterday and she emailed me today to let me know she will be mailing the cd to me.  We didnt really do an outfit change, we did a shirt change. lol.  We just changed our shirts.  I had a cami on under my sweater so I just put the short sleeve shirt over that.  It was chilly in the morning so the sweater was comfortable but then it started to get warm so I was happy to put short sleeves on. Changing in the car should be fine. I can't wait to see yours too.
  • bethybeachbethybeach member
    edited December 2011
    Butting in...Jenni did our epics session and it is on her blog in July I think Paul and Beth.  The only negative was the location but I love how they turned out.  We used her pics for our Guestbook and it looks so great I can't wait to use it.
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