Hello Ladies, Over the past year, I have spent countless hours reading everyone's stories and advice, but have only actually posted a few times. I have a long story though and can't think of any better group of people to ask for advice. But first I have to tell you the story of October 3rd, when I got married.This post could be the longest in history if I included all the details, but basically my brother showed up to our hotel room before the wedding and I immediately knew something was wrong. He told me that after breakfast, my mother became violently sick and was in such severe pain, they had to rushed her to the hospital. She was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, gull stones, and a severly inflammed liver. She was obviously so very sick that she had to be admitted right away, and I found out 2 hours before the ceremonythat my mom wouldn't be there for the wedding. When we finally spoke to her on the phone, she begged us to be strong and not cancel the wedding. It was such a hard decision to go through with everything and I cried the entire time I put on my dress and rode to the ceremony.Our ceremony was beautiful and I am so incredibly happy to be married to the love of my life. However, I spent most of the day in a daze while we got updates from the doctors about my mom's health. I haven't been able to think much about the day without crying, which is so horrible since that is not the way anyone wants to remember their wedding. My mom is so upset as well, and it is hard to see her when she gets all worked up. She had her gall bladder removed today and they had to sedate her when she was coming out of anesthesia because she started crying so hard. She is still very sick and our first concern is my mom getting better. At the same time, my husband and I can't stop of what we will do once she is better to try and recreate some aspects of the wedding day for her so she can be there. We certainly don't want another full wedding, but we need to do something where we can get dressed up, my mom can wear her dress, and we can use some of the decorations that my mom and I spent months working on for the wedding. We don't have the money to do even something small right now, which is why I was hoping you ladies could let me know if you hear of any contests or opportunities that we might be able to take advantage of to have a renewal ceremony and reception. I haven't found anything on my own yet, and know that if anything wedding related is going on in Maryland - this is the group that would know about it. Thank you so much in advance for any information or ideas that anyone may have.