
I need some help (long story)

Hello Ladies, Over the past year, I have spent countless hours reading everyone's stories and advice, but have only actually posted a few times.  I have a long story though and can't think of any better group of people to ask for advice.  But first I have to tell you the story of October 3rd, when I got married.This post could be the longest in history if I included all the details, but basically my brother showed up to our hotel room before the wedding and I immediately knew something was wrong.  He told me that after breakfast, my mother became violently sick and was in such severe pain, they had to rushed her to the hospital. She was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, gull stones, and a severly inflammed liver.  She was obviously so very sick that she had to be admitted right away, and I found out 2 hours before the ceremonythat my mom wouldn't be there for the wedding.  When we finally spoke to her on the phone, she begged us to be strong and not cancel the wedding.  It was such a hard decision to go through with everything and I cried the entire time I put on my dress and rode to the ceremony.Our ceremony was beautiful and I am so incredibly happy to be married to the love of my life.  However, I spent most of the day in a daze while we got updates from the doctors about my mom's health.  I haven't been able to think much about the day without crying, which is so horrible since that is not the way anyone wants to remember their wedding.  My mom is so upset as well, and it is hard to see her when she gets all worked up.  She had her gall bladder removed today and they had to sedate her when she was coming out of anesthesia because she started crying so hard.  She is still very sick and our first concern is my mom getting better.  At the same time, my husband and I can't stop of what we will do once she is better to try and recreate some aspects of the wedding day for her so she can be there.  We certainly don't want another full wedding, but we need to do something where we can get dressed up, my mom can wear her dress, and we can use some of the decorations that my mom and I spent months working on for the wedding.  We don't have the money to do even something small right now, which is why I was hoping you ladies could let me know if you hear of any contests or opportunities that we might be able to take advantage of to have a renewal ceremony and reception.  I haven't found anything on my own yet, and know that if anything wedding related is going on in Maryland - this is the group that would know about it.  Thank you so much in advance for any information or ideas that anyone may have. 

Re: I need some help (long story)

  • vjcjenn1vjcjenn1 member
    edited December 2011
    I think your mom will be better soon and first thing, watch the video, look at pictures and spend some private time with her reliving the ceremony...then perhaps I think maybe talk with the church about doing a one year renewal ceremony, keep you dress in top notch condition and treat any spots you see so that you can where your dress then and Mom can wear hers.  Ask your photographer how much it may cost to do some family photos...even trash the dress style, is there a nearby park you can go to afterwards for some incredible shots you wouldn't have gotten on your wedding day...and not just you, get everyone involved.  Then, just have a nice dinner somewhere, and maybe back to your house to have a toast, watch the video, look at pictures...and eat your wedding cake that you have frozen OR had recreated a layer.Bless you sweetie, I do feel for you
  • edited December 2011
    Wow Jen, I am so sorry to hear of your story.  I am often afraid something similar to this will happen, as my mom is not in the best of health.  It is so sad, and I am so sorry your mom was not able to be there on your wedding day.  I think VJC gave some really good advice.  And being that your photog was there to see the trauma you went through day-of, I'm sure they'd be more than willing to do another shoot for a vow renewal.  And if not, we can certainly suggest some great photogs on here for you.  Also, I think I heard about some wedding giveaway contest on WPOC recently (93.1, the country station here in Baltimore).  SO wait, you got married October 3rd, like, 2 weekends ago?  Hmm... this past summer I was in a contest to win a free wedding with Harbor Magic weddings (Admiral Fell Inn, Pier V Hotel, Burkshire Suites).  We were dying to have our wedding at the Admiral Fell (in Fells Point), but we didn't win and it was really just too small.  If they have another contest next summer you should totally enter.  The Admiral Fell Inn would be a really romantic little place to re-create a wedding/vow renewal with an intimate ceremony and reception.  The giveaway covers up to 100 guests, so not sure how small/large your wedding on 10/3 was, but you'd definitely be able to celebrate the vow renewal with a number of loved ones with the Harbor Magic Wedding Giveaway package.  Keep your eyes peeled on their website, and I'll do the same...
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  • Amy52582Amy52582 member
    edited December 2011
    Wow, I am so sorry you had to go through this, and I wish you and your mom the best on her road to recovery.  I don't know about any wedding giveaways, but I like something along the lines of VJCJenn's idea.  Even if you didn't wait a whole year for a renewal, what if you and your husband's families just went out and celebrated? Everyone could wear their wedding gear, your mom could wear her dress, and you could just have a nice evening out somewhere (depending on who all was involved, maybe they could even pay for their own dinners this way? Just a thought). You could get a photographer for just a quick one hour session to get some great photos and your mom with everyone. I don't know how much you could do with your old wedding decorations, but I think it would be great to just have a great celebration with your mom! Best wishes to you and your family and let us know what you decide!
  • edited December 2011
    Wow, Jen - I'm sorry to hear about your mom.  That's awful to have to deal with any time, let alone two hours before the wedding.  It sounds like she's on the road to recovery, though, so that's great!Funny enough, I just got an e-mail today for this contest.  [url][/url].  They're giving away a wedding on Aug 28, 2010, so it would be a while.  But in the mean time, I think all the PPs had great ideas for how to make your mom and yourselves feel better about it in the short term.Good luck! :-)

  • edited December 2011
    I am not on much during the week and just saw this... I am so sorry this happened to you and your family.  I don't really have any new ideas but I agree w/ VJC... maybe try to re-create something small for your mom.  It could be as simple as just "re-doing" the ceremony.  Ask your photog if he/she could come for some family portraits, and then maybe go out to a nice restaurant for dinner to celebrate.  Ask your baker if they could re-create a small cake.  Obviously it would be hard to recreate the whole day (logistically and financially I'm sure...) but when I look back the things that were most important were the ceremony & the family pictures, b/c that is how we will remember the day forever.  Best of luck to you and your family.  I hope you can work something out! Let us know if you need anything!

    MyBio image

  • edited December 2011
    Thank you so much to everyone for their ideas and well wishes.  The wedding was only 2 weeks ago, so I am not trying to rush into is just on my mind constantly :(  I will definitely let you know when and what we decide on. Thank you again so much!
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