
Vent- FI is sick

We are getting married in **4 days** and my fiance is sick.  As in REALLY sick.  He hasn't gotten out of bed much since Saturday, he's supposed to be calling his doctor this morning.  I hope that it's seasonal flu, b/c he should be over that by Friday and I got the flu shot.  If it's anything else, I could get it from him just in time for the wedding.  Fantastic.UGH.  I did not factor pandemic flu into our plans when we picked an early November wedding date last year!  Stupid viruses!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Vent- FI is sick

  • bethybeachbethybeach member
    edited December 2011
    That really stinks.  I would still keep your distance and he should be ok in 4 days! I have 33 days and I am a little worried about the flu thing also, I had to get the insurance for the honeymoon and my FI has colitis and is on organ transplant medicine.  
  • mmattoonmmattoon member
    edited December 2011
    Okay, you can get him better by Friday. It's great that he is home today to rest. You should try to air out your house so you don't get the germs. Also, use antibac gel and wash your hands a lot. Get him to the doctors... you're already on track for that. Wash the sheets and bedding in hot water. Drink lots of green tea and eat chicken noodle soup and lots of healthy foods. Don't drink alcohol (well you can, but just not too much) because it weakens your immune system. Try your absolute hardest not to stress b/c that weakens your body too. Make sure you get enough sleep. HTH!! Keep us informed on his status :) I hope he is all better in a day or so.
  • MereFM99MereFM99 member
    edited December 2011
    I slept on the sofa last night and probably will again tonight, I'm trying to keep him confined to the bedroom so that his germs are localized.  I closed the kitchen door and put a sign on it that says, wash your hands first and put on a mask before you come in here!  Ha ha.  I am one of the people who went overboard last spring and stocked up on masks and hand sanitizer when H1N1 first appeared, now I am glad that I did!  I've been taking vitamin c, washing my hands like crazy, and I'm getting plenty of sleep, so I just have to hope that he recovers ASAP and that he doesn't pass it on to me.  This is such BS!  I hope his dr can do something for him.
  • edited December 2011
    I hope he's feeling better tonight!  I think you're taking all the precautions you should be.  Keep positive and I'll be sending good mojo your way!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • MereFM99MereFM99 member
    edited December 2011
    He finally got in touch with his doctor yesterday and they said it sounded like flu, so he's now taking tamiflu and I actually got some too as a preventive measure.  So hopefully we will both be OK by Friday!
  • edited December 2011
  • devinrldevinrl member
    edited December 2011
    I just got over the flu and they were thinking it was the H1N1 but weren't sure because apparently the test doesn't tell you which strain! Anyway, it was bad enough that I couldn't work for 4 days. I got the Tamiflu right away and was feeling better really early on. I was sick Monday-Thursday so 4 days wasn't terrible. It sounds like your FI is in the same situation so he has just enough days to get better! My FI slept in a seperate room and we sprayed Lysol and washed hands constantly. He was able to get by without getting sick and I'm sure you will too! Think positive thoughts and I will surely be doing that for you too!
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