
Help for a bachelorette party in Baltimore!!

Hello ladies!I am from Dover, Delaware and my closest friends are treating me to an all-weekend bachelorette party in Baltimore this weekend.  We are staying at the Hilton by the Inner Harbor.  I believe that we will be hitting up Powerplant on Saturday evening.  Does anyone have any other suggestions?  We are also trying to figure out what to get into Saturday afternoon.  We had originally thought of going to Xpose Fitness to learn pole dancing, but they were booked for Saturday!  :(  Thanks for any help you can give us.

Re: Help for a bachelorette party in Baltimore!!

  • edited December 2011
    If you get sick of the Powerplant scene - catch a cab over to Fells Point or Canton Square. There's tons of bars all in a little circle and no one charges cover. They are both safe neighborhoods and will be full of people.On Saturday afternoon - if you like shopping at all you could get the water taxi from the harbor over to fells point at Thames street/Broadway. There's a lot of botique type shops over there.  If you're into beer tasting  - go to Max's in fells and get a sampler. It's a fun thing to try over lunch. You could call Merritt Athletic Clubs and see what classes they are offering on Saturday. They have a few different downtown locations and offer different classes at each. My FI used to be a personal trainer there, and usually if you call and ask, you don't have to be a member to sign up and take a class for a day.
  • dclokeydclokey member
    edited December 2011
    You could aslo check out Howl at the moon. Its a piano bar.
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